T here, that’s terrible that they would just end services if you don’t feel like you’ve made progress. when I have clients say that or after something happened say they feel like they are back at the beginning I try to point out all the progress I’ve seen in them. They usually agree with me just didn’t realize it on their own. I did have a client say she didn’t think k it was work, so we had a talk about what wasn’t working and what needed to be changed. I’m not going to abandon a client just because they haven’t made progress.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I know I’m not the only one who has struggles with the training but reading others’ experiences really helps me not feel alone in it.

My sister has an SDIT for PTSD and mine is for medical. She didn’t actually get to pick her dog because she got in the waiting list late and didn’t tell the breeder what the dog was for. 2 years later I was at the top of the list with the same breeder and we did all the tests, especially for his sniffer. Her dog is a natural at comforting, early on we taught her to hug and she reacted well when someone was upset. So training her to react to my sister’s anxiety and panic attacks was pretty simple.

Something I had noticed my dog did, and only did it with me, was when he came into a room I was in (like sitting at the table eating) he would lightly boop my hip with his nose then lay down. We are still doing obedience stuff, the pulling has been a huge struggle with many tears, but I’m sure we’ll be able to use the booping for training him to remind me to take my meds (I get distracted even with alarms and could die if I don’t take my meds).

That’s a good idea, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks

He’s still SDIT. I have a meeting on Monday with management. They sent a message to me with the subject “please us kennel” and no other info so I was getting anxious. My 80lbs golden wouldn’t fit in a kennel that would fit in most of our offices. I was able to text another therapist who has a service dog and she already met with them. She said they just want to make sure everybody is being safe so I think I was worrying for nothing.

Are employers allowed to request SAs to be in a kennelLaws - SPECIFY COUNTRY IN POST

I couldn’t find the answer on the ADA website so maybe someone here might know if employers are legally allowed to request that employees with service animals keep them in a kennel?

I’m located in Arizona, in the U.S. I’m a therapist and I always make sure my clients are okay with dogs before I bring him to sessions. He is still in training but is very well behaved, otherwise I wouldn’t be bringing him.


Thank you everyone for you suggestions

Need activity ideas for adult ADHDTips/Suggestions

Im a fairly new therapist (also ADHD myself) and have an adult client with ADHD. I’ve been working up a plan on where to start with them in sessions but I’m looking for activity ideas I can suggest the client to do outside of sessions to help with memory, brain stimulation, motivation etc. Also, what are some apps that others have found to be helpful.

Leaked SSN and other personal information.

I have a family member who was recently in an online relationship, he is in Arizona USA and she is in the UK. He sent some images of documents he forgot to black out his Social Security Number and other personal information. She recently got angry with him and leaked all of his information online. What can he do to protect himself from potential identity theft?


Let them know you don’t know much about their beliefs and would like to learn more. Most people appreciate being asked directly about their religion and beliefs.

I was about to suggest this one and decided to see if anyone else put it first. I heard about it from another therapist and have suggested it to some clients and my niece.

I have the same thing in my house. You have to pull the whole tank off to do any repairs.

Therapist in training here, almost been a year practicing now. As others have mentioned, there are several red flags with this therapist. Many many studies have shown that the relationship between the therapist and client is one of the biggest factors in positive outcomes in counseling. If you are feeling abused and mistreated by your therapist then it’s likely difficult to really trust them. All throughout our schooling therapists are trained to meet the client where they are at. That means if you think the therapist is being harsh and it makes you uncomfortable the therapist needs to change their approach.

You listed several unethical and unprofessional things your therapist has done which leads me to believe she is not a great therapist. You need to find someone who will respect you and give you what you need. You deserve so much better.

When I started my counseling internship I was looking for resources about different grounding skills. I came across an article that not only explains grounding but has a nice long list of grounding skills. Maybe this could help https://www.beautyafterbruises.org/blog/grounding101

I’m still in my internship for counseling and confidentiality is DRILLED into us in every class, not just the ethics class. So even if she is a new that is absolutely no excuse for violating your confidentiality. This should be reported to at least her supervisor so she can be re-educated or receive more training.

I was getting cash back at the self-checkout. It wasn’t until the next day that I realized I walked away without the cash. I like to think whoever found that money really needed it and that it brightened their day

I ask my clients how their week went or being up something we discussed previously or talk about their homework. Sometimes I ask “anything new happen this week”

Someone’s heart. Unless it’s an actual heart, then I’d say it’s iffy 😜

There’s a lot of factors to consider. A lot of people already mentioned that where you are located is a big part of it. Cost of living of living in general is a part of it. But also what your expected standard of living is. Some people want to buy lavish expensive things or travel a lot or are simpler terrible at either budgeting or following their budget (guilty as charged). I think it’s great you have found a way to live comfortably on your current earnings, keep up the good work.

Merge dragons, if mobile games count at “video”. Otherwise it would be Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Same. One roommate had it twice. The second time two others in our house had it and I was around them a lot before that. I feel like my luck will eventually run out.