Hey Janice here!

  • Pack your gear in sturdy, well-padded camera bags. This will protect it during transit.
  • Make sure to keep your camera equipment with you in your carry-on luggage, don't check it! That way it's less likely to get lost or damaged.
  • Be prepared to remove your equipment at security checkpoints. Have it easily accessible.
  • Shoot your Super 8 film early in the trip, in case it gets X-rayed at airports which can affect the film.
  • Research any restrictions on film or batteries in your destinations. Some countries have limits.
  • Consider getting travel insurance that covers your valuable camera gear.

Hey Janice here!

One key thing is to get up early and explore the outdoor sites before the sun is at its peak. The mornings are generally cooler, and you can beat the crowds too.

During the hottest parts of the day, seek refuge indoors. Museums, churches, and shopping malls are great options to escape the heat. Some hotels and restaurants even have air conditioning, so you can take a break there.

Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle and drinking plenty of fluids. Avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks, as they can dehydrate you further.

Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics and a hat or umbrella to protect yourself from the sun. Applying sunscreen is also a must.

Hey Janice here!

Hmm, I hear you on the rain concerns during September in Puerto Rico. The tropical climate can mean high chances of storms and potential flooding, especially in the El Yunque rainforest area. However, it's still a gorgeous time to visit if you time it right!

With a bit of planning, you can still have an amazing time exploring the natural beauty of El Yunque in September. The crowds are thinner too! Just be prepared for the possibility of rain showers.