Courage the cowardly dog vibes. Like, I need to leave now lol

Honestly it looks great all except for the hand's fingers ---- the fingers are so thin and long that they look creepy. They need a bit more meat to em'

This is still art, even if not everyone enjoys it! You created something, which is awesome. That being said, and this is only my opinion, these illustrations are very hard to look at. The colors fight each other, the stark black lines and off proportions add a sort of lumpiness to faces and limbs. They need some work.

To be overall better, I'd start by working on the basics of figure drawing - focusing on proportion and movement. Some heads, such as the skull for Ang (ATLA), are distorted in an odd way, looking squishy/wiggly/bumpy-lumpy. Training your brain on how skulls should work in the round will really help there.

Focusing in on my personal preference, I'd say to experiment with varying your line weights, as well as taking them away completely and replacing their function (as ways to interpret form), with the tool of shadow/light/bounce light. This will give your illustrations a more comforting look.

The lines next to the noses, that surround the mouth, make any illustrated person look older than they are. When children's illustrations that use hard flat lines/color use these, they give me uncanny valley effect or make me feel something is just "off".

While the attempt at foreshortening is VERY good for a beginner, you should look up some videos on how to draw limbs foreshortened for some minor improvements.

Overall I think continuing what you have here but adding/subtracting elements in an experimental way, plus studying up on the basics, will lead you closer to a more widely liked style.

The mouths are a bit too wide and there's not enough room for a chin below them - They have weak jawlines.

The hair is a stylistic choice but you could do a few studies on that. Other than those, just learning and studying basics, along with some 3D shape studies of light/shadow would be good.

Also, where will you release your novel?

Haunting, and really telling. It's not something I want to keep looking at for too long because it makes me uncomfortable, but I think that's the point. It's hard to look away, but I need to

Oh damn 😵‍💫 that sounds horrible. I wasn't in the con circuit yet then. I can completely agree that registration was smooth. I've heard a few people thought security was pretty rude, but that's just hearsay.

I replied to a different comment with the same sentiment - momocon will always be a fun event, it's the nature of the beast. (Even the worst momocon is a good one) It just didn't feel like the same event as last year. Things really just felt low energy or forgotten. You should not apologize for things you didn't control. You should have received proper signage, instruction, and management on time. I really appreciate all the volunteers this year - talked to a few of them and they were lovely. You probably kept the con afloat amidst all the background chaos. Thank you for the time you spent there.

Completely agree. Any momocon is still great. The standards are just high so this one was kinda bad in comparison.

Worst Momocon Yet?

This year was completely disorganized with no signage for changes in how the vendor hall was behind the gaming hall.

The cosplay contest was horrible with them leaving loose cords where the cosplayers have to walk on/off stage. People tripped and couldn't walk, winners were outed ahead of time, they didn't help that poor host by swapping her for someone with a non-hurt voice. No one could understand her. The contest itself felt rushed and half assed.

The arcade had half the games turned off when we were there.

Apparently the marketing department marketed to kids and now some parents are upset that they brought their child to this convention.

Vendors were lacking variety and I don't feel like with the amount of traffic we had this year that the panels were interesting enough. They also ran late half the time. It took forever to get anywhere and disabled friends of mine had a hard time getting around.

One of my friends got severe food poisoning from the empanada food vendor. They are still very sick 12 hours later.

The hotels did their best at least.

I dunno guys, the vibe was just off. People are leaving more frustrated than happy about being at the con. Any similar experiences from anyone else?

Same, looking for solution!