I have the kind that I can put over a stain and just walk away

Can you clarify exactly what you mean by this? I looked up the "Bissell spot clean pet pro" and don't see anything like that. It seems to be just a typical model where you're on your hands and knees scrubbing back and forth.

Is yours an older model that has a feature that's no longer on the current models?

Cuz they've actually wised up and know what they want in life and aren't foolish enough to fall for your bullshit anymore?

The experience to use a rotary dial phone.

Yes, that's not how building muscle works.

A bulk is adding both fat and muscle. This requires rigorous working out and eating excess food.

A cut is where you then try to lose just the fat, but you are gonna lose some of the muscle too.

Are you under the impression that a "bulk" is where you just eat a lot of food, don't exercise, and add pure fat to your body? And then a "cut" is where you start working out and like transform that fat into muscle?

If it's just a job, then whatever.

If it's your career, don't shit where you eat.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.

edit: you uncultured swine need to watch more Norm MacDonald.

So they had key phrases that would flag messages as needing review.

From what I've read, the messages happened in 2017. Doc was banned in 2020. So I do not think it was an automated system.

I think either a: the minor later came forward to twitch, or b: the person who said someone at twitch didn't like Doc and went digging to try and find dirt, that story was correct and the person did find dirt 3 years later.

I'm downvoting you for censoring the word "sex".

Lol those comments are that goatee is funny in hindsight now

I like how his own joke makes him laugh.

He did deny it.


The whole applauding her for speaking out against the other guy was the new angle.

He went off stream for like a week. When he came back he made a brief statement on stream that they wouldn't be talking about outside stuff and that streaming is just for gaming. And then he just started playing a game.

He had A LOT of automod filter words setup, and then had his mods on guard and ready to delete anything that slipped thru.


So you've shifted from "textbook" to "probably" now.

What likely happened was Guy said some stuff that was inappropriate but not deemed sexting, and Twitch had no choice but to pay him out.

That's literally what my original comment said. You're over here wasting time on a back and forth just to end up at the exact same place where I started. Baffling.

  1. Because their "investigation" consisted of them showing the texts to the DA and the DA saying "yeah nah, I can't get a conviction on just that".

  2. Please show me the "textbook" that stipulates "hey come meet me in this very public place where i'll be busy simultaneously meeting 1000s of other people while surrounded by 1000s of cameras and livestreams" is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he was soliciting a minor for sexual intercourse. Please link the textbook here, or if it's only available at a law library then give me the name, I can go check it out, I live pretty close to a highly rated law university. I'll wait.

  1. Prove to me that Amazon didn't report it to local LEOs.

  2. Prove in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt that "Hey your instagram photos are really hot, you should come by my meet & greet at twitchcon and say hi, I'd really like to meet you" is absolute proof that he was trying to have sex with a minor. I'm not even a lawyer and I could convince a couple people out of 12 that there is reasonable doubt that he just wanted to say hi to one person out of 100s of other people (both adults and minors) that he'd be meeting at twitchcon.


He announced he had cancer. A WEEK later he announced that he had a mole surgically removed and that the biopsy showed that the cancer was entirely removed with margins (i.e. they cut the cancer out and cut enough "normal" skin to make sure that they got anything that was spreading) and that he was "now officially cancer free".

I'm going to ask you sir for your opinion based on that information: on a scale of 0 to 100, how strong of a possibility is it that he also had to do other treatments that would alter his appearance such as chemotherapy?

Also, please show me where I "shit" on Ninja.

There’s a possibility

Yes, technically that is a possibility. I'm going to ask you for your opinion sir: on a scale of 1 to 100, how strong of a possibility is it that they just went on hearsay? Give me a number please.

"cancer treatment" for him was removing a mole from his foot. It's not like the dude went thru chemo or something.

Doc lives in California. The age of consent in CA in every way, shape, and form is 18.

It'd have to be something like "hey, I didn't technically tell the 16 year old girl 'let's meet up at twitchcon to perform the act of sexual intercourse together', all I technically told her was that her instagram pics were really hot and that I'd like to meet her. I was just planning to meet a fan as part of my PR campaign, that's all."

Whoa whoa whoa, don't spend your whole $20 all at once!

Well first of all, obviously he can reference the case in some ways because he did so in his tweet.

2nd, if the case was in no way whatsoever about sexting a minor then saying so isn't referencing the case or NDA because that's not what the case was about.

If I sue McDonald's because I spill absurdly hot coffee on myself and burn myself and I sign an NDA for a settlement...and then someone says "hey this guy sued McDonald's because the employees took him in the back and gang raped him in the ass" I can legally say "no I didn't" because it doesn't violate the NDA because that's not what the NDA or the case were about.

I can't tell you what it WAS about, but if you say it was about something completely unrelated, I can say no.

IMO this doesn't tell you if he's guilty or not, but it tells you that his ban (and the correlating lawsuit) were about something related in general to this topic.

Like there were other theories such as: he was trying to unionize the streamers, or he lied about his mixer offer to get a higher contract with Twitch.

If the reason for the ban (and again, correlating lawsuit) were about a topic COMPLETELY unrelated such as those above, his tweet would have said something like "WTF are you even talking about? That's not was this was about AT ALL".

His tweet says TO ME that yes this is the general area of the reason for his ban.

There's plenty of articles saying he signed with CAA, the largest agency in Hollywood, back in 2019, but I've no clue if he's still with them.

My broke ass would have been a lot happier if I could have bought FILAs and Starter jackets at Walmart in the early 90s.