and that was an anonymous person on a finsta… i don’t think weslie and bronson are perfect by any stretch but i don’t think that comment has any weight

this makes me so happy! he has always given off a groundedness like he doesn’t take any of it too seriously and it’s so refreshing in this current version of the bachelor

i love kenny. for being so hot, he has always seemed so normal? these two are also a prime example for my soapbox of aging the bachelor cast up to 30’s and early 40’s - we’ll still get mess but with a side of life experience!

many have said they think she might have an inheritance and i never thought that until she said she stopped consulting so she could just write and i’m like… how? in NYC?

couldn’t agree more. and becca never was a writer before? like she randomly started romcompods in the pandemic, and then all of a sudden she is writing books. not saying you can’t pivot, but olivia has been clear she’s always been a writer and this was a dream of hers, but with becca it felt like a whim that then became her new identity. we’ve talked in this group before about how writing books is hard and authors who have written many books sometimes never get deals or find success, so the ease with which becca just got a deal on the first book she ever wrote was always grating to me. so i don’t wish her ill will in any way, i do think she had it easy and doesn’t acknowledge that.

totally agree - becca has made writing books her whole personality, and she does this with alot of stuff

it’s pilot pete taking a step back that gets me 😭🤣

also not relevant to this point but since we’re talking bad on paper, yet another day of becca making it SUPER FREAKING AWKWARD about olivia inviting her to her house. it makes my whole body cringe

she’s mentioned it so much i would be shocked if she didn’t share this. it was only a few months ago she thought it would be sold so i feel like she’d easily complain about this on the pod

i thought the same thing since she explicitly mentioned turning in the draft before rome, her editor (or whoever) said they’d get feedback to her quickly, and then has been so emo once she got back?

i gasped!!!!! i haven’t touched forever 35 since 2020 because i couldn’t stand doree, but if kate goes elsewhere, i would check it out. doree seems exhausting be around and honestly BaD eNeRgY (i mock but i am serious)

i freaking LOVE her substack and find it to be the only one worth the money. it’s never navel gazey and i always find it genuine and relatable! 

you’re welcome! i think knox and jamie are so smart and funny and deserve all the listens!

i am loving the popcast’s episode on TTPD. nuanced takes on taylor feel so rare, and i appreciate listening to conversation that isn’t just blanket “she’s so amazing” or “she is the worst”

i had to stop listening to game of roses because clues ego was so intolerable

they don’t really sleuth but the rosecast is hosted by two of the most delightful guys on the internet. i LOVE them. good natured, funny, definitely make fun of the show and how ridiculous it is but not in a nasty way, and extremely sweet and earnest when it’s warranted. they are GEMS.

like there’s no way? unless those friends are the most extraverted people to have ever lived, i don’t understand how you could lack so much self awareness to invite yourself to third wheel with this couple constantly? it is so weird to me.

if you go to the search bar after you’re in  /indyblue2 and type in weslie, you will find a ton of posts!! there is no definitive answer, but lots of us have speculated. probably more than 20 posts 🤣

this one is THE BEST and was so good it could have been in theaters 😭

i’ve followed bronson and weslie since 2012 and i HIGHLY doubt it. weslie and bronson had 3 young kids from the time indy met them. my theory has always been that indy was young and genuine when they met (life hadn’t come for her yet), and they had a real friendship connection. over the years indy has changed a lot, as we all discuss here, but bronson and weslie were already grown and got sick of indy’s shit, especially when it started to impact their life/family. if indy wasn’t prioritizing the business, that affects their livelihood. and they have kids that they probably didn’t want around whatever sketchy stuff has been discussed around jack and indy (potentially drugs etc). so i think weslie created a boundary and typical victim indy would never do any self reflection and continues to be the victim even though the friend patterns around her are very very clear