Movie that represents Republicans in a positive light: Lincoln

Movie that represents Democrats in a positive light: Birth of a Nation (not as honorable people though)

Semi-joking aside, maybe the best is not a movie, but rather Burn’s The Civil War documentary which treated both sides with nuance, recognizing their flaws and heroics. Even though one side, the South, fought for a cause that was an abomination, it shows how (at least for the combatants) reconciliation and forgiveness is possible. Plus how people end up fighting for a side for reasons unrelated to the sides actual professed mission.

2A Conservatarian

It has a lot of ups and downs. I think it’s more volatile than most large US cities, and is one of few that’s had Republican leadership in recent memory.

It was on the decline in the 60s, hit rock bottom in the 70s/80s, then made a huge comeback in the 90s and early 00s…to the point we even took our kids there a few times. Then…DiBlasio.

Maybe it will mount another recovery again, but it feels like this downturn is for good. We don’t need big cities for commerce/finance any more (or not significant staff anyway). You can see Broadway plays anywhere.

No, it all works towards a balance of power. We have the three branches of government but within the legislative branch, we have the House and Senate. The house is based on population/proportional representation.

2A Conservatarian

So…Abe Lincoln or FDR should have been sent to the front lines ? Got to say, that sounds stupid AF.

I’ve shit in the woods a number of times. Just dig a small hole, and always carry some TP and hand sanitizer.

Digging the hole is harder than you think. I bring a camping trowel now too.

If you wear bib shorts you are in for a special treat. Def stop early enough to get your jersey off first.

You are also in for a special treat if you live where there are mosquitoes or horseflies. Put it this way: you want to crank it out FAST.

I have the rack and 10L panniers, mounted to frame instead of thru axle. Have ridden it through intermediate singletrack…no issues at all.

My only issues with it are that it holds weight kind of high, and the nylon straps on the rear bag are slick and you can’t reliably stuff things securely under them (such as layers or sandals). Going to buy some 36” voile straps to replace the nylon straps.

I bought their too tube bag (medium) also. Expensive but damn it’s just so superbly designed and made I have no regrets.

2A Conservatarian

Yes, then passing counterfeit money and then resisting arrest. Model citizen !

That is an Ibis Ripley. Custom frame bags.

Pretty sure ? Or do you actually know ?

On their website the carbon and alloy have the same max load of 27kg (with side panniers).

A racist for sure, but also a bit dim or mentally unstable. These are the kind of people who are easily radicalized.

Ok thx I understand, but disagree.

Given the Berlin blockade, the military suppression of Hungary, general Soviet treatment of Eastern Europe, and professed goals of global communism, I don’t think NATO’s assessment of themselves as the good guy defenders was unreasonable nor fear of Soviet expansion unwarranted. That’s aside from Soviet actions outside of WE described above, and of course aside from the reality that the Soviets really WERE bad.

I also very strongly disagree with the vibe that the mutual paranoia and arms buildup was bad or a failure. Wars start for one reason and one reason only: somebody thinks they can win.

Despite there being two antagonistic entities with mutually opposing world views, there was NO WAR. For about 44 years we stared at each other but didn’t fire a single shot nor cause any casualties in anger. This is because neither side thought they could win...and (now with 20/20 hindsight) neither was planning to start something.

We’ll never know for sure, but it’s certainly possible that if one side had been perceived as weak or vulnerable it would have encouraged adventurism by the other.

In retrospect it’s an amazing stretch of peace and I put it firmly in the win column for all concerned.

She’s an utter dimwit, and not just about economics. Maybe that’s too generous though…the alternative is she is a bald-faced liar and race baiter.

Hmmm. Some of this just doesn’t sound right.

When the Soviets deployed SS20s in 1977 or so, it was Germany that requested a US response, and we later replaced our Pershing 1s with 2s. In short, the US forward deployment in Europe was not just at US insistence but WEs fear of Soviet intermediate range nukes. Labeling the US as being “aggressive” isn’t correct.

As far as Reagan’s rhetoric, by the time he said those things there had been decades of very open anti US Soviet rhetoric, including funding revolutionary movements across the globe, and even front groups in the US itself. Given how some (all ?) of these revolutionary movements behaved, and destruction they wrought, not to mention the Soviets record on human rights, calling them an “evil empire” seems accurate, and perhaps even modest. Signaling to your opponent that you see their intentions clearly isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever hear of, especially given what happened later in his presidency.

In any case, under Reagan significant arms reductions were negotiated including the INF treaty which eliminated the forward deployed nukes. The Reagan era marked the END of the Cold War, and the END of Soviet fears (realistic or not) about a US invasion, rather than the foundation of such fears, which would date well back to the late 40s or 50s.

Oooof…thx. My vibe as far as what I like is similar to yours. I was considering a Bville trip, but looks like I should consider alternatives.

Good luck to you too ! The 600X is very solid…it will get you were you are going with minimum fuss and trouble.

There were definitely some people that assaulted police and pushed through barricades…and yes you are correct in other spots were invited in and stated behind the velvet ropes. Even with that though, there were hundreds of thousands of people at this rally and a tiny minority that did any kind of crime.

Even where crimes were committed, I still wonder how many were antifa activists and others if not doing them, then egging people on.

Looks to me like he’s mocking them. WTF is with these shitbags yelling at random people on the street and following them ? I’d shoot them a bird too.

In reality, Trump advocated a peaceful protest, those that rioted on 1/6 were the ones NOT listening to him.

Corporate property is private property too, and destroying a corporate owned store in a poor neighborhood deprives them of that. The BLM/antifa riots and destruction often hit the very neighborhoods these groups were purporting to be advocating for.

Lastly it’s the reaction to these events that tells you all you need to know. Every Republican leader, politician, commentator, etc etc not to mention rank and file voters condemned the capital riots, violence and destruction unequivocally and without hesitation.

Meanwhile the media and many major Democrats and plenty of rank and file voters excused or even cheered on the BLM/antifa riots. Even the person you are arguing with calls the property destruction merely “unfortunate”.

They don’t have a leg to stand on.