the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

Yeah I have a shitbox I paid 1k for. Runs and drives perfect but a ton of cosmetic body damage. That thing I had liability only on. Got a new car, relegated shitbox to project car and put comprehensive on the new car bc it’s nice af and if something happens to it I wanna get paid!


Dry by itself also isn’t the greatest due to hydration issues which can lead to kidney disease - they’re not great at drinking as much water as they should. I do the same as you, and also add a splash of water to the dry food as an extra measure.

I once brought my baby to the vet bc I thought he might have a uti, and the vet literally asks me if he’s a sensitive soul 😭 and explained cystitis to me

I mean it sounds to me like she did mention it, and the stylist disregarded what she said. I do think it’s worth telling them again. I personally ask for no styling and go home and shower immediately, but that’s bc I can feel each tiny piece of cut hair

The candles stabbed into the whole fish is sending me for some reason 😂 happy birthday fucker!!!

This was exactly my trajectory too haha. Never going back

I just switched BACK to hobs bc cleaning the canister was such a headache 😅 the aquaclear series is SO QUIET, I love mine so much

Like others have said, giving her a safe place is enough for now. You’re a good egg


Can you link it? You can also report bots to Reddit.

Genderqueer/Bisexual :flag-gq-bi:

As a bi enby I endorse this comment ✨

If you’re able to, many vets will check for a chip for free, and/or be able to direct you to rescues so they can be safe :)

I came here from the op, I’m not sure they’ve even ever kept fish. I think as long as it’s getting use then the potential is realized!

I always have two buckets, one for livestock and one for plants with hardscape split between the two so nothing dries out. Drain water from the tank into both and top up with dechlorinated if necessary. Keep filter media wet as well!!! Then transfer substrate and hardscape. I like to plant at about half full bc I’m short and have short arms, then top it up when I’m done 😂 get filter running and transfer any floating plants and livestock.


Probably a crane, and carefully

This is how I ended up with my second cat 😅 I was just supposed to buy cat litter….

I have two other cats so I was worried about that, but he just slithered his way into their hearts like he slithers around the house 🫶 I was already won over the first time I met him haha


My kitten did the three days to decompress then bypassed the other steps into comfort immediately 😂😂 I was expecting it to take a lot longer

Sure, but if someone isn’t confident in their abilities then it’s a good enough substitute 😊 I don’t like to gatekeep ways to do art if the job gets done

This isn’t an aquatic plant. Fairly certain it’s common purslane, which is an edible succulent and will rot underwater. Where did you get it?

I had to give up on a sewing tutorial I was looking at bc I just could NOT get past the ads - they overloaded my phone so bad that whenever I got halfway down the page it would either glitch back to the top or send me flying to the bottom of the comments.