Is your life worth $10k? Your pet’s? Window units make a house an easy target. Very easy to kick in and climb through the window. know what else is easy to kick in? Glass.

Hammock Recommendation

I'm 6'2 / 160 lbs. My only place to hang a hammock is 9.5 ft wide and 76" high. The hammock i currently have is one of those spreader bar units with the slightly padded material and a thin built in pillow. Total length 123in x 55in. The material alone is 78". I fit just perfectly on it. It's comfortable for laying straight with a big pillow underneath my knees while looking at my phone.

Two issues: 1) I'm no good at back sleeping so it's very difficult to take a nap in it. 2) I'm on a boat in Florida and get in the mood for the hammock in the summer, but it's hot so i want all the breeze i can get.

So i'm looking at these traditional mayan hammocks made from a thousand thin cotton strings. Problem is they tend to be in the 12-13ft range. Is that definitely too long for a 9.5' hanging location? Conversely, if i can find an 11ft version, will that even be long enough for me to comfortably sleep on my side diagonally? And also, are the strings on the mayan style uncomfortable or poor in durability?


Is there a reason everyone is mentioning H1 and not H2?

Also opinions on serrated vs non-serrated? (They do not appear to have a half & half option in these spyderco salt models).

Key Chain Knife Recommendations?

I'm not a knife guy. I would like a very light/small, cheap, folding/locking, highly stainless knife that i can attach to my key chain.

A few important notes: 1. I live on a boat in saltwater. My keys get hit with saltwater spray in the dingy. 2. I will take at best minimal care of this knife. 3. The only way I can be counted on to have a knife on me is if its attached to my keychain and is so small as to not be annoying. 4. I have pleny of larger purpose built knives for at home or when i go fishing, this is to ensure I always have something that can cut when I am out and about, as well as a last resort to poke somebody in the unlikely event that becomes necessary. 5. Half serration isn't a requirement, but it might be a good idea because needing to cut a rope in a pinch is a likely real world use case. 6. I wonder about a skeleton frame vs standard. Skeleton allows more salt spray/air in, but also has the advantage of airflow to dry out vs a blade nestled tight between metal on both sides that can really marinate and seize solid.

Cursory amazon search didn't yield too many options. Gerber Paraframe Mini with half serration seemed like the one. But it gets a lot of hate.

Any alternative recommendations?


Yeah I've already done some googling. Haven't been able figure it out. Thats why i'm asking here.

Is there a name for the actuator that lets outside air in?

Buick Park Avenue A/C / Heat issue

99 Buick Park Ave Ultra. On hot day, it blows fairly cold a/c for passenger, driver is very weak. On a cool day with the heat on, the passenger gets heat, driver gets cool.

So it seems obvious that there is a vent stuck open or some sort of hole that is letting outside air into drivers side?

I pulled off the actuator by the pedals that adjusts cool to warm output. Made sure its manually turned all the way towards the cool direction, but still same results. I live in Miami so I don't even need heat or outside vent, I just want to manually set it to a/c and leave it.

Any advice? Thanks!

Then explain why amazon has continuously expanded it's in house delivery instead of just utilizing ups/fedex? Seems logical that spark is just a bridge. Granted, grocery delivery is a horrible business, so walmart is fine with the temporary arrangement of contractors beating up their cars for chump change. But once they have the volume and logistical capability to deliver batch grocery orders in a refer box truck, it'll be in house. Amazon has put the fear of god in them and they recognize the old days of just winning on price are over -- they have to go above and beyond on convenience as well.

I'm dumfounded that self checkout was expanded so heavily. The negative economics always seemed obvious to me -- gauranteed more than $15/hr of merch is walking out the door unpaid for. I suppose it was an attempted solution during the pandemic when the government was paying people handsomely not to work. Now that the labor market is closer to equilibrium, it makes no sense except they already invested into it heavily and were trying everything they could to improve the technology to deter thefts before throwing in the towel.


I don't understand why item count would matter much at all. Maybe you are referring to if you are doing the shopping?

I'm talking about an order made 24hrs ahead of time where Walmart gathers the items. And as i said, I will do all the carrying. So, the most time consuming part is the driving, which is the same whether 1 or 100 items.


Actually i've never made a delivery order. I was considering getting walmart+, but the economics of it depend on what is an acceptable tip. To determine what an acceptable tip is, i needed to know information such as what walmart is paying behind the scenes, if it is a 1 way or round trip, and driver expectations.

Now please go be a rage filled incel elsewhere.


Can somebody else confirm that you would be paid an "extra large order" fee of $10+ (for curbside), even if I have walmart+ free delivery.


Do you know the answer to my question?


In the case of a person getting free delivery on a curbside order, what does walmart pay you?


I get it, you hate your job and your life.

But I'm not the cause of your problems. If I was trying to short change drivers, I wouldn't have inquired in the first place bud.


So after my order, do you drive back to walmart? Or do you have other apps and you pick something up that is nearby?


How am I to know if it's a "shop and deliver" order? My understanding was walmart did the shopping part in house?

How much to tip?

Wondering what would be an appropriate tip for the following walmart order. $500 worth of groceries, 5 miles / 15-20 min drive. I can do all the carrying, just help empty the car, place on ground, and leave.

Edit: *curbside order, not express

Your hair looks good. This is the wrong sub to ask. I view it as an insecure overraction to shave your head just because its thinning.

You're asking the wrong forum. Your hair looks fine.

So was it a computer glitch? Or did they put you on some kind of auto ban and you had to beg to be reinstated? I had a grandfathered tinder plus with 5 super likes per day for $80/year. Same thing just happened to me and i'm siiiick.

So is it too late to get a Bosch 12v chameleon on clearance? I saw some videos of dudes saying they were getting them for 75% off a couplw months ago.

Hide in the most protected mangrove cove/canal you can find.

The main thing is you just don't want to be so unlucky as to be right in the eye. Even a direct hit is survivable with the right preparation and some luck. But all the storm on the map outside the eye is not the level of carnage that national news leads you to believe it is. You find a very protected spot and secure your boat.

Also if you have a sailboat it's fairly simple if you absolutely want to mitigate hurricane risk, just sail up to the Chesapeake for hurricane season. For a powerboat, that's cost prohibitive.

Most importantly you own a boat that you can afford to replace.


I've been living on a boat for 5 years. You can live on anchor just about anywhere in coastal Florida for free. Lot's of people here living on small sailboats that only cost a couple grand. Most ppl commenting here don't know what they are talking about. A Fiberglass boat does not decay. The more comforts, the more maintenance costs for parts. But same goes for a homestead. If you can't put forth the effort to maintain your own boat then go live under a tarp next to a rail yard cuz you're just a bum. Sure you might be able to live in a dilapidated trailer in bumfuck egypt for the same annual outlay. But i have million dollar views for next to nothing. With that said, please nobody move to Florida and do this, there's enough drunkard boat bums that don't know what they are doing already.