:bard: hardstuck

I do hear you on this - trust me. I think this could’ve been handled WAY better.

:bard: hardstuck

Branding would dictate otherwise, no? Main tournament is organized by us, offshoots are outsourced completely (not by choice here). I’m not going to argue about the whole mother tournament situation, because I think that’s not much of a concern, I will however share a copy of the ruleset they used.

:bard: hardstuck

Unfortunately the reality of it is, is that although it’s nested under Liga Republika, we have 0 authority on it directly. No oversight or anything (whereas Bezos would be able to interfere)

:bard: hardstuck

Not the TO for this specific offshoot, that’s why I indicated mother tournament.

Obviously had eyes on once we got wind of the issue.

I’ll upload it in a bit.

:bard: hardstuck

I’m literally one of the organizers for the mother tournament for this? I have a copy of the ruleset?

:bard: hardstuck

They can, and they should if it’s that much of a concern, but they did include it in the ruleset that it’s the players responsibility.

:bard: hardstuck

That’s false. These are games played fully online. Players were instructed to disable emotes on their accounts manually (including automatic emotes).

:bard: hardstuck

There are no major regional tournaments/international routes available here. This is basically the best of what’s available. For reference - the base income here is about 14,000 PHP - less than 300USD, the prizepool is 50,000 PHP, or around 1000USD

:bard: hardstuck

Would I play the game out personally - for sure. Would I fault a team for taking a win offered to them? Not really.

Given the chance to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, or even something more skill based for 1000USD, or the chance to bypass me completely, which would you take?

:bard: hardstuck

Participating in a tournament is agreeing to subject yourself to the rules - failing to comply isn’t disrespectful towards teams that do comply?

If your opponent squeaks out a win on you because you couldn’t follow the rules, and are given the option to have you disqualified, are you going to complain that you weren’t able to play, instead of y’know, adhering to rules you subject yourself to in the first place? One of the agreements made when joining a tournament is that you’ve fully read and understood the rules.

You’re framing it in a way that there was somehow planning on one part to have the other team disqualified? They were completely prepared to play the game - but were offered a free win instead BY THE MARSHAL. What’s wrong with taking it?

:bard: hardstuck

That makes no sense at all in a tournament where prize money is involved - would you not just decide to proceed and go to the next round?

This isn’t about being the better team? It’s about winning?

I mean we’re on the same page here - I definitely don’t think that they should have been disqualified, but if I were given the choice then the answer seems pretty clear.

:bard: hardstuck

Marshal deferred decision to the teams in this case. Any team worth anything would take the free win

Diamond IV

For Vi specifically, regardless of her build her only real job in a team is to press R - essentially diving for the carry and trading 1 for 1.

Otherwise, I think I have a better understanding of your thought process. I think that it's a good exercise for identifying what champions aim to do throughout the game, and may help other players learn a bit as well.

Diamond IV

I find the best ways to figure out what your team needs is categorizing into 2 - engage and disengage. Then further categorizing into either AP, AD or Utility.

I think the list needs to be more broad, rather than more specific if I were to critique it. When looking at comps, and how to play against them, you're more than likely looking to counter what that comp is setting out to do, so the categories don't provide much insight when X champ in X category might not beat Y champ in Y category, whilst Z champ in X category does.

There's also a lot of overlap here -

Ksante would double both as a "guardian tank" and as a "juggernaut". Warwick, Vi, Rengar, Ekko and Volibear would overlap with Divers. Ekko and Shaco are also assassins. Brand can be a burst mage.

Diamond IV

I mean this is neat, but can someone share the obsession with categorizing champions that often have overlaps in roles/capabilities?

Diamond IV

If you play casually, then yes, and it doesn't really matter. If you're actively climbing/trying to improve then the goal is around 51%-55% if possible. I usually hover around 55%-58% when I'm playing a few games a day to maintain my rank, and it drops to 51%-54% when I'm really pushing games out.

Diamond IV

Generally you only take the inhibitors when you're either looking to end in the next few minutes, or need the pressure to play for an objective, leading to a game ending play.

By taking an inhibitor, you're basically making that lane perma-push into the enemy team, allowing them to farm safely, and gain potential bonus gold/xp versus your potential gold/xp.

Diamond IV

Congratulations on climbing, but your anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything - the sample size is WAY too small to make a conclusion.

Over the course of 100 games, sure a player might be a rank or two below where they should be, but it evens out eventually after more games are played

Diamond IV

Trying to fight level 1 as Jhin is pretty difficult as he will always lose out in an extended battle due to the reload limitation. You need to take a slow, short trade that maximizes your auto attacks, and minimizes the number of autos the enemy ADC (most likely with LT) will get off on you. Moreover, just space better - you're more than likely positioning wrong if you're getting all-in'd level 1 that often.

Diamond IV

Using level, just like mastery, is fairly inaccurate in terms of judging experience. People take different amounts of practice to get good at something.

Diamond IV

Junglers should be okay with no leash. If they can't manage a clear without one they lack practice. Lane priority is a lot more important this season.

Diamond IV

Blitz, Naut and Thresh and not traditional engage supports in a sense that they close the gap by pulling the ENEMY closer to them, and not the other way around. Traditional engage supports like Alistar, and Rell would have a harder time due to needing to close the gap before being able to engage.

Hook champions circumvent this by having the ability to just throw out a skill and close the gap instantly.

Diamond IV

Your KP is too low for the amount of CS you're getting per game here. It looks like you're missing out on a lot of gold value because you're not where you need to be, when you need to be there. Alois is a big advocate for split-pushing, but that doesn't mean he NEVER helps his team, he uses split-pushing as a way to gain his team an advantage (force a 4v4, win the 1v1 in split, then have the ability to pressure objectives on the other side of the map, or play for TP and flank).

I'd watch replays and specifically look for the moments where you're not doing anything useful - just waddling around the rift looking for things to do etc., and figuring out what you can do instead.

Diamond IV

I always feel like these kinds of posts are just copium. Yes, there is a level of randomness to games, and you can 100% drop 100 LP or so due to it, but with the way league matchmaking works (it tries to keep you at around 50% WR), you will eventually get to a point where you're facing opponents much, MUCH worse than yourself.

The math is sound, but it intuitely feels as though the assumptions about how ranked queues work, and games play out are wrong.

Diamond IV

In lower-middle elos you usually leash because Jungling isn't as time-sensitive. In higher elos not leashing is perfectly fine. Good junglers can clear quickly without a leash, and lane prio is way more important.