Don’t go bringing your advanced math skills here


Ol Joe is not a toy to be idly used. I hope he was aware of the situation and your intentions. Right?

First thoughts are who’s driving

Killing my apple tree. It’s 1/2 dead.

Same owners as Boobies?

Flying, driving?? Start with spf 50 sunscreen

Actual, they fired all the experienced sales people who knew the products.

Are you considering homeowners as clients? Needs a language clarification to me. Keep in mind, if you train your customers that there’s always a 10% coupon they won’t buy unless there’s a coupon. Example sonic, Hardee’s, steak ‘n Shake. However, today it’s all done in the app.

I love it! put the top down and Cruise in comfort enjoying the scenery. The mid range acceleration lets me accelerate away from traffic situations where I don’t want to be.

Nice property with everything white makes the job easier. 👍👍 I personally don’t dig the dark moody sky but it looks like you came back another day. (Viewed on iPhone, not critical review on a screen.)

Say that you can probably have your tats “adjusted” if you know what is offensive.

Climb up and put in plastic flowers every month or a nice large wasp nest

Car just lost all resale value except for parts.

The AC Techs I’ve worked with told me to once a month dump a cup of bleach from a $1 bottle or we Can buy from them the $50 bottle of cleaner.

You figure out which is better.

I’m a commercial district property manager, ONE of my facilities might have 15 hvac units. I speak with a lot of “ac guys” in the summer.

{ x }

Re> correcting on a daily basis.

That’s what horns are for