When alcoholics need a liver transplant they must be 100% alcohol free for six months before they can be put on a liver transplant list. I’m assuming he means that she was finally cleared to be put on that list but didn’t make it.

:player: Viking

Burnee burnee cut cut. Nice.

Any why would the flame extinguish towards to end? If it was pure ethanol wouldn’t it stay lit until it was all gone?

I’m honestly not sure what the heck is going on in the first half here. A friend brought Taco Bell to a wedding and you proposed to someone while there?

Easy does it.

I’m shuttering right now. Ugh.

:player: Viking

Ooze bombs in the windows all the way up helps to soften them up ;)

Thanks for checking! That doesn’t match…

When he is lamenting the requirement of bringing a bottle of wine to the dinner party and he deadpan says “I don’t even drink wine. I drink Pepsi” is one of my all time favorite George lines. It’s putting a smile on my face right now just thinking about it.

I spent 15 minutes sitting in my car posting this to Reddit then the car in front of me moved and I was able to get out, Mildly Infuriated.

Nope. I waited about 15 minutes and the car in front of me left and was able to get out.


My car is the one in front and it’s the back of my car. We’re parallel parked.

Regarding Billboards - clearly you’ve never been to Louisiana lol

:player: Viking

Yeah, like, IDK, a video posted on the Valheim Reddit along with a story of backstabbing intrigue. Or something like that maybe.

JFC how many “tHaTs nOt A mIRaGe” comments do we really fucking need. Didn’t know so many reditors were experts in mirages.

All I know is according to 1980s movies and television shows, some poor sap would go running to a place they thought had water and then there wasn’t. This looks like that to me 😂😂😂

There’s a very old gentleman that walks his very old dog right in front of my house every single day. I never see anyone else with them. I just know one day I’m going to see the old man without the dog and I’m going to cry my fucking eyes out.

While technically not an answer to your question, it’s worth sharing. A client of mine was a raging alcoholic. She was 78 years old when someone doing a welfare check found her lying in a pool of blood and vomit in her home. She had severe liver failure and a torn esophagus - it’s rare for someone to survive once that far gone. Her kids sold her home and all of her belongings. They just figured she was a goner.

Well she ended up surviving, went to an inpatient rehab center and got sober. She’s 82 now and just keeps plugging along.

But her drivers license was revoked and took a couple years to get back. Things she didn’t think of happened like you can’t insure a vehicle if you don’t have a license so she jumped the gun buying a car and it had to sit in her parking spot with no insurance on it.

Her house was long gone. So she ended up buying a manufactured home in a senior home park.

She never really got any of her stuff back.

Never said it could stop on a dime. Never said it could turn on a dime either. But I have 30 years experience with powered boats and 20 years in airplanes and I understand how they both work. Soooo thanks for your comment that adds literally nothing to the conversation.

I should add that my comment wasn’t intended to relieve the pilot of responsibility. And simply by certification let alone experience the pilot should have been able to avoid this accident.

But that powered boat is one highly maneuverable vessel and would have taken two seconds to steer away from danger.


This crash is really getting to me. Like it’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time. The captain of that boat couldn’t hear the absolute howling of a plane at full throttle barreling towards them? So monumentally stupid. No situational awareness at all.

Edit: guys I don’t care who had right of way or not. Not only should the pilot be trained specifically for this type of environment, they also had a duty to see and avoid the smaller craft.

But, come on, that highly maneuverable boat captained by anyone other than a complete dunce would have easily avoided that crash. It doesn’t matter to me who is ultimately at fault, common sense shows that boater was doing NOTHING to avoid that accident.