Get an actual bed as soon as you can. Try to make your space like something you'll be happy to bring freinds around to without feeling like your in a mental hole.

Nicer living spaces will bring up your mood

I've always been able to convert but I never new this trick

Or the year 8 "mummas, smoking a bong..."

:daniel-ricciardo: Daniel Ricciardo

Maldondo at his best was like Max at his worst. Same with Grosjean. All super talented but just hopeless awareness.


People are so thick, This happens every time theres a high profile case. A bunch of workers get sacked for looking up shit they shouldn't.

Good. They deserve it. they know its wrong and get mandatory training all the time telling them not to.

:daniel-ricciardo: Daniel Ricciardo

imagine other teams having their shit together and then a 10 sec pen would be worth 8 positions...

Wagon Warrior

I was able to fit a new 75" TV in box in the back of mine... So the answer is yes.

Toobs and burger rings have always been mid.

There's a reason they discontinue Toobs every 5 years

Roll ups made with all the artificial stuff.. None of the natural shit they make them with now. Ohh man were those things good

I'm messing with you. Tbh I grow up with 4 women and have more close female friends than male ones

As long as he knows too...

Who tf posts a picture of themselves with thier ex all smiling...

Did your sister also live in a car too at the time?

Pals. 😉

At least you'll stay hydrated 🤣

Did you land a role as the lead in a college production of nightcrawler?

:daniel-ricciardo: Daniel Ricciardo

I wouldn't say Norris is bad at general knowledge... I'd say Norris needed to spend much more time at school..

Its called Cheese and Gherkin sandwich where im from.. pretty normal.

now i want one