bell client blocked from vpnQuestion

i had setup an IP/sec vpn from home so my kid can connect to home from university. they have bell internet at the house they are renting.

they can connect to the vpn but all can’t seem to get any traffic over the vpn so they can’t connect to any of the servers at our home.

but if they go to a coffee shop then the vpn works fine. if they go to the university library the vpn works fine. so clearly the vpn setup is configured right and does work. just not with Bell Internet.

i could try installling wireguard vpn on the ubiquity edge and try reassigning ports used. but it’s sort of hard to do any real testing as the university is 5h away and so trying to test anything is trying to talk my kid through setup

is there any ports or issues that are known to have problems.

In the past when asking for help here I was given advice like get a windows gaming laptop, that was totally irrelevant to the question being asked. So I figured that I’d get that suggestion out of the way right upfront. Sorry if it caused confusion

I did find a crawl update that got released this weekend that hadn’t propagated out the last time I checked. But it has sort of solved the movement issue. I am starting on a new clean world so flying or swimming or building crushing devices for crawling just seems like a waste of time to solve the function that is clearly part of Minecraft that Mojang seems reluctant to embrace but enhance the play immensely

Personally I use crawling as a means of mining as one block high you are not constantly looking for creepers blowing you up. But it seems to have found another difference between what I had on my windows laptop playing 1.20.x and 1.21. It seems that carrying a torches no longer gives off any illumination, so I will need to load something like dynamic torches. It is mind blowing to me how much Minecraft takes in giving some nod to physics and realism but then don’t bother with the thought that carrying a torch should give off light and a mining game it would make sense to crawl

Getting Minecraft onto Apple Silicon MacBook

I have a windows laptop so don’t bother recommending it. I don’t like it. It runs too hot and Microsoft just likes to make things more complicated than they need to be.

I have a MacBook. My daughter has a MacBook. I know that you can run Minecraft on Java with Apple Silicon. So I believe it’s possible, but I am running into some mod version issues I don’t know how to get around.

I can’t dues to physical reasons use the keyboard and mouse to run around, so I have a Bluetooth controller that works. I can get the controller to work with modrinth loader and Minecraft 1.21. The only issue is that all the functional mods don’t work yet with 21. The one I am stuck with is one that lets to crawl. Or more to point toggle crawling. I think that crawling is an essential feature in the game and the requirement to crush yourself down with a trapdoor or piston or whatever is asinine and goes to show why I think Microsoft is just horrible.

All the crawl plugins I’ve found so far stop at 1.20.2.

Now I wouldn’t mind playing at 1.20.2 except it seems that all the controller plugin mods don’t work with a Mac and Bluetooth at that version and require 1.20.6 or higher to run. So there is the impass. How to get either a controller mod that works or a crawl mod running on current versions of Minecraft.

Any suggestions? (Not get a windows laptop)

movie soundtrack daysDiscussion

it seems that i’m having a movie sound track day. or more likely week where everything i try and make comes out sounding like a background track for a movie and not like something that you’d want to listen to on spotify but would feel right at home on netflix.

is there a market for this and how would you go about getting it in front of the right people who would want it?

But the Dem’s won’t used this fact and the Rep’s will simply abuse it. That is the real pathetic part.

The entertainment industry is a fuckin joke these days and cannot come up with an original idea to save their own lives. Let’s just remade everything ever written and do it far worse than before

Yea.. Biden should call in seal team 6 and assassinate the decanting judges as an official presidential act. It’s protected apparently.

Not as easy as you think. The fast track to give out Canadian citizenship has meant that many of these immigrants are full citizens now and want to bring in their families from their homeland. Will they vote for change? There isn’t a Canadian anymore. This multiculturalism killed off being Canadian as it promised you could keep your own culture and that was protected. So now the vast majority of immigrants act and live as if they were in their country of origin without the need to become Canadians. So for example, the Indians stay Indian with all the political class system and prejudices. Chinese stay Chinese and act as if the rules of how we do things here are optional for them. The Islamic community just carries a chip on their shoulder and any criticism even if founded is just Islamophobia. Their religion and culture trumps ours and they don’t need to make any compromise or concessions for unity with anyone who has a different culture.
Enshrined multiculturalism wasn’t needed as everyone was doing it before when the vast majority of immigrants had a similar culture and just adapted themselves to take on aspects of the Canadian community that accepted them.

I don’t have any problem with people from other countries coming to Canada to live. I just wished they would come here to be part of Canada rather than demanding that Canadians be more like them.

Knee jerk comment. What did you expect to pay for a 9-11kg turkey? If you looked a bit better you’d see that lesser weight turkey is cheaper. And it’s not the utility turkey with a leg missing or deformed that you can get for less usually at Walmart. It looks to be around the regular price that you’d pay.

Not that I like Loblaws or personally shop there. Just if you are going to be outraged , might want to save it for something outrageous.

I didn’t find GarageBand at all helpful and likely more confusing when I first got my Mac. I didn’t have any real DAW experience but had done lots of audio mixing with Audacity that some call a DAW.

Now that I’ve got 12+ years under my belt, I can actually use Garage Band and get productive work done in it as I have the basics and understanding of Logic to fall to. Though it must be said that I tried to use FLStudio as I did get a bit despondent with logic around year 5 but couldn’t make headway with getting any productivity with that DAW.

Never will. That would be 10 less people for Justin Trudeau to suck up to and expect their vote in October 2025

You could then say that sending data on a Ethernet network can have jitter.. especially sending or connecting to the internet. As tcp/ip packets can arrive at any time in any order and sometimes the data in a single packet doesn’t arrive at all. But there is this thing inside of the tcp/ip protocol that takes care of that called error correction. So it can reassemble packets that arrive out of order or request retransmission of missing or damaged packets.

Jitter on a usb cable isn’t a thing. They talk about how the timing of packets of data over usb can arrive late or not in a timely manner. But the data is not analog audio. It’s not even audio at all. It’s just a block of data no different than when you load an application on your cell phone. The data block then gets assembled back into the original form on the receiver.

Do you talk about jitter inside your computer? Does your Apple Silicon Mac handle jitter better when playing Spotify compared to an iPhone or an Android phone? It’s all moving round just packets of data that eventually gets converted to sound by the dac.

Jitter is one of those made up things by a marketing company to try and sell one brand over another by making a phenomenon that sounds realistic but in actual life has already been taken care of.

Yes, and it ticks me off too. I’m on 10.7.9 I think, and it’s been doing it for me since 10.3..x. It’s a case of needing to watch where your play head is located and if your notes will extend when pasted beyond the end of the midi section then it extends, now the last midi note might be just 1/128th of a note over. It’s a pain because it’s actually caused by the play head not properly snapping to the grid. If you zoom into the midi section you will see that you are a subnote off by a tiny hair.

And throw into the mix that chances are if you had a Pride Parade in an Islamic country you’d be put to death. So effectively a group of people want you to divest from any connection to the Jewish state in support of the Hamas religion who believe you should be stoned to death for being queer.

i am an immigrant to canada. Came to Canada in 76 with my parents and we were not allowed to move into the GTA and had to settle in Northern Ontario. but we have a government that doesn’t want to force people to settle where they are needed and play with this human right for free movement that has caused the issues.

to say the cost of materials is not a problem for making houses is crazy. sure it does. you cannot paint us as a nation with infinite resouses to spend and build like China. if you like their system of living then i suggest you move there and stop complaining about here.

it’s the ago old scenario. the liberals with all good intentions turn the economy into a dumpster fire and then get booted out. the conservatives get voted in and stuck with turning the mess around that inevitably causes tons of pain for most of the country who when the country is sort of heading in the right direction blame them for the hardship and vote liberals back in as they promise all sunshine and good days with big spending promises that end up tanking the economy again.

You’re an idiot. Enjoy your popcorn

It sounds like you are on the misconception that builders are suddenly making 1.4million on the houses that sell for 2. And that the government can just start to build these wonderful houses for the $600,000 you’d like to pay and everything would be right in this world.

Just wondering where they are going to find the construction workers to build these (imaginary) homes as apparently there is a 80% unemployment rate in the housing construction worker sector. Along with where the materials are going to come from as clearly there is a total glut in those markets too.

Just think for what the government plan they cooked up over some drunken tax payer funded weekend retreat involves doubling the number of houses constructed every two years for the next ten years in a row. That means we will need find some 20-30 million new construction workers. Cut down every tree in Canada for the lumber for all these new houses (because we can’t make enough crushed rock and lime for cement and do you want the environmental impact see. ). We’d need to increase the oil sands production for the tar and asphalt for roof shingles. Humm.. mining for copper for electrical wiring inside. Mining for the plaster for the walls.. boy the list sure goes on.

Politicians sure can dream up some impressive schemes to save us but done have the wisdom or knowledge to understand what it takes to implement them.

Stop using it as a crutch.

Like 20+ other artists/producers/music makers here, having ADHD is nothing but a bunch of letters you decide to put after your name. Great. I’ve had ADHD for the whole of my life. There are some things that I find hard and other parts that get used to my advantage. In 35 years of productive work, I’ve never sat and claimed I couldn’t do it because of my condition.

Sure in 2014 when I got my first Mac and decided I wanted to start a new stage in my life and make music it was hard. I had to learn new things and it was easy to say that I can’t do something because I still need to learn or blame someone else who I was trying to do-write with who also has ADHD for sure but never diagnosed. But after covid I’d decided to stop letting excuses get in my way. Just did it. I can look back at past work and see how what I am making now is so much more advanced and engaging. Art is art not because it’s perfect, but because it makes you feel and exists inside the imperfections

Sadly moistly seems to have a vivid imagination and just wants to pass off fabricated lies to feel relevant. There has Never been any evidence or cases of erosion that would put any of the coffins or gravestones in the cemetery at risk . The cemetery is attached to Knox16 that is one of the older churches formed in 1833 in Trafalgar. It is well maintained by an active group of volunteers and parishioners. If you want any more information about the church or its attached cemetery, I think you can contact Patrick the pastor at the church. He is a wonderful, friendly and very interesting fellow and I am sure he’ll clear up any questions about this location.

moistly seem to have moisture on the brain and so their thinking process seems to be a bit waterlogged. Maybe even stagnant. Fact checking it an important part of social media now.

Nothing like A BIG FAT LIE that you totally made up. To start off the church that you are talking about is Knox16. It’s an active church that does maintain the attached cemetery. The land around the cemetery is protected and no caskets are breaking up and ending in the creek below. Stop spreading false information.

Welcome to baseboard reality. I’ve owned enough housing for long enough to know that what mills love to do is release a particular profile and sell it for cheap. Then in 18 months stop making it as they know enough is out there and when someone like you needs a Luther length you’re willing to pay through the roof for more that is sitting in their back warehouse because it’s no longer the discount run

I went with the Moog one as I think they invented it and there are lots of instruction manuals with actual examples for Moog. I don’t know if Apple still makes a manual for Logic.