Worked at subway a long time ago. A month before minimum wage was going up my boss called me into the office. He announced I was getting an 11 cent raise an my responsibilities were increasing.bsaid congrats I deserve it. That put me 1 cent above the new required min wage. Called him out on it and he said I should be grateful.   :)

Best bet to rule out filament being dry/not dry. Buyba new roll. If it prints fine then your other rolls are not dry. 

General mail, maybe twice a week. Packages, as there's needed. IE if you picked 2 days shipping it shouldn't take longer than that...

Seriously need to do what some other countries do. I think it's France that requires text on the box for three months that say the old volume, new volume and the % it has decreased. 

I'm grateful I have a job where I can take as many breaks as long as I get my shit done.  It's the way it should be. You have ABC to get done this week? Do whatever you need to to get it done. 

[Noob Question] Why Cant I delete any part of thisQuestion

I'm coming from Blender and I'm finding Fusion 360 ,or any other CAD for that matter, is proving frustrating.

In Blender, I'd typically be able to select any part of the model and hit delete and poof they're gone.

Wondering how I can go about doing this. Intuitively, I'd select the Face and delete but that is obviously not the case.

I would do this if I believed they would even do anything. 

Maybe i'll do this, If it doesn't meet the weight, I'll open one pack dump its contents into the one I'm purchasing and then put the partial back. That is if i ever go back to Roblaws

Old Milton people don't have to worry about the train yard.

If they focus on making some unique interesting towns I'm for removing the building. I find It tedious and boring. I'd be down to help build it, but I would love to come back to a settlement and the NPCs have made it something of their own. I could be bringing back rare finds to help make it better. 

Would be nice if they could be told to build the settlement up themselves too and you could just make adjustments if you don't like the way it was going. 

Then they could legally require a receipt check to let you leave. 

They don't want to enact any control. They get big pay outs from big grocery.

Because it's not like any of the big chains will leave Canada, where would they go?

Only thing I'd go back to Superstore for is the price match. I abuse that like no tomorrow. 

Sketchy, the only way I would say yes it to only connect my work computer to that router. I wouldn't let any of my personal stuff go through it. 

I like the limited ammo and the need to close the gap. I feel like everyone just gets a lot closer when doing an all MFOG. 

Looks like a professional home steamer (Wrangler starr)

If they were put in jail or deported where they belong they wouldn't need a driver's license 

It's funny, because those foreign companies didn't even compete with grocery stores when they came in, they could have stayed the same. I think super store started selling more than groceries before Walmart started to sell groceries.

Isn't it exclusively used as a school for the deaf now?

One on the right looks like it was warping a bit maybe it's just that end that appears smaller. Is it smaller in ever dimension ?

I worked at Target in Canada. Opening week people would come up to me and yell or make snide comments about items being cheaper at Walmart. I tell them to go shop at Walmart then. I had someone complain to my manager about it.

I don't get paid enough to promote or care about Target.