If you don't mind me asking, did you live in a similar area before? The only reason I ask is that I am from Oregon and my SO is from Pittsburgh, and I was looking at getting my OH nurse practitioner license with the hopes of working at Cleveland Clinic next year. I am used to living in more liberal areas where my SO is not and was trying to feel-out the Cleveland area.

Thank you!

Any nurse practitioners here working for U of M, and if so how do you like it and how competitive is the job market? Is the healthcare there good? Is the work environment OK? I see the nurses are union but does that translate to a healthy work environment in other places?

I'm from the west coast and my SO is from PA so Michigan is a middle-ish ground for us to potentially be moving to since his parents are older. I work in Pittsburgh now and do not care for the area or the people much. Looking to move next year but just assessing options. Thanks!

Thinking of leaving job after 1 month…Career Advice

I graduated recently as a new AGACNP and I need some help deciding what to do. I did all of my clinical at this facility, a robust academic medical center & trauma 1, and worked there as a nurse but in a different ICU. I did clinical on this busy neuro ICU & it was so-so then but over the last several months they have hemorrhaged all staff. They literally have only 1 staff APP left & had to hire 4 new graduates, myself included to staff the unit in addition to utilizing residents and fellows. Most of the nurses are new, too. That was red flag number one. Red flag number two is multiple people telling to notify my MD liaison if people are mean to me. Not a great vibe so far. Another red flag is that patients are dropped off on the unit & there is no provider-to-provider sign off, which has been a standing issue it seems. I’ve already had 1 very unsafe patient situation already 2 weeks in related to handoff. They get a lot of transfers and admissions over night too. Then I walk in to hearing two fellows making fun of me for not being able to do the Winters formula & misspoke about something because I’m nervous af all the time. The fellows are just so rude and I don’t know what to do besides try not to cry every day. This is all in less than a months time!!! Having a crappy job is one thing, but now my schedule sucks which was the last straw and is making me want to look other places. I have had only a few days orienting with an APP & the other days I’m treated like a resident. A fellow told me to respond to a condition C when apparently I wasn’t supposed to, which is unsafe & I got lucky. To all the residents lurking on this sub, make no mistake, I know I’m no physician so shove it. I’m also not trying to pretend I be a physician. I don’t know what my expectations are of me. I just don’t know if there is anything better out there or if it’s the same shit at a different place. I’m a month in and yelling at my partner, kid and really don’t like how I'm acting but I don’t have time to decompress from this crappy job. I have to wait 6mos to transfer so I have 5 months left. If I want to work critical care my options are limited, but it’s all I’ve done my whole nursing career. If I can get into a specialty area that will be better but I don’t want to work 5 days a week at an outpatient place. But, if I can make it to 2 years then I can go anywhere due to my experience and the prestige from this hospital. If I can keep my license and that is not including one very talented APP who is already in the middle of litigation now! My other option is apply for a CCM fellowship but that is a 2hr drive from my house for a year. That is slightly worse than me driving 1.5- 2hr to my present job. Anyway, any advice is appreciated and thanks for reading.