“excuse me, there is nowhere near enough whiskey in my coke”

sounds like fish weren’t the only thing you were catching 😎 nice catch brother

largemouth! i believe if the jaw hinges behind the eye you got your answer right there. regardless nice catch and tight lines!

did you see the guy that posted something earlier and everyone roasted him for gripping the fish too hard?….. so yeah.

jk probably got bit by a turtle or something else predatory

honestly bro its probably fine, but people are giving you shit because they feel it’s disrespectful for the sport. id guess this is better than how most people lip these things and hold at a weird angle dislocating the jaw. handling the fish or laying it in the dirt can cause it to lose its slime coat which is not good for the fish so its best to handle as little as possible. tight lines friend!

me at messmer rn… getting my cheeks clapped profusely

i havent finished the dlc yet but this is still so funny. we all kicked his ass for months leading up to the dlc and now we all feel kinda bad about it? lol talk about redemption arc

regardless if youre 4, or 5… we need to all agree people who are 1, and 2 need to be taken around back and shot

it’s definitely… grippy lol

just being an a$$ lol tight lines friend!

dont feel like looking to see if this was mentioned but for a streak to continue both people have to send a picture to each other. wont keep a streak alive just replying to messages. so pics are being exchanged, of what, obviously only she knows

all of a sudden i only have one brain cell and all i can do is panic roll because all that braincell can do is panic roll from one side of my brain to the other…

video games dont usually hit for me like a movie or something like that. BUT in GoW3 when dom sacrifices himself, made me feel some type of way. another i can think of but haven’t experienced myself because i actively wont complete the story is RDR2 with arthurs death

bro get outta here, im tryna clean 😂😂

i bet you laughed way too hard writing this lol its okay i laughed way too hard reading it

i love this, this is still how my dad an i react when we catch big fish. im 29, hes 49 lol

chihuahuas are not my type of dog but i would hide a dead body for nacho. 10/10 good boy

my feet up, while enjoying some herbals and brews

crazy watching someone throw their life savings away like that and not even get to eat it