My dad went to an all boys catholic school and had a def teacher. He coordinated everyone in class to stomp their feet under their desks when teacher was turned. The headmaster saw this happening. Knew it was my dad and the priest punched my dad right in the nose. My grandma made my dad apologize to the priest, ha.

Oh man. If I had a nickel I’d had a dozen nickels. I love my four year old more than anything in the world. She is my everything. I sacrifice everything for her. She’s never had a night away from one of us. With that said she’s one of the biggest smart asses, most precocious , brat I’ve ever met. And I mean all that with love. Home girl knows how to get under my skin. We were swimming once and she said to me “I need to poop” so I said get out of the pool let’s go to the bathroom. Her reply? “Uh I’ll just poop here so I can see if you get mad”. Word for word. I lost it in front of our friends. Came back out after whisking her to the bathroom under my arm and apologized to my friends. They all as parents agreed it was normal and the right thing to do. With that said, I pulled my very sad, embarrassed and probably scared kid aside and apologized for yelling at her. Said some times parents make mistakes too then explained why her behavior caused it but didn’t excuse it and next time I’d try harder. Good luck parent. Wishing you luck.

Wind and current 100% mix in sand from shore/sand bars.

I could decide before. This is a non issue made up by pearl necklace grasping conservative Christian’s afraid of their own shadow. Were kids breaking out of their houses at night and reading a book with a gay character?!

This is a non issue hence my joke. Now the govt is requiring me to fill out a form? So my kids can read a book with a gay character in it?! Are kids under 18 sneaking out of their parents house to read the color purple? It’s govt control. Make it look subtle but it’s a non issue they are now regulating.

Presidents sign laws not write them right? Hell just have to give the order now I guess. Ha

Just what I want. Big govt telling me what my kids can and can’t read.

Not a server and I loooove my check mid meal. If I want to order more I will. If I want to leave on my time when I’m done I can. Power is with me not you.

I hope your surgery went well and the recovery is quick. Oh this was a haircut?! (Sorry I had to. I’m sorry. You have such beautiful hair. I paid for plugs to look half this good)

If it makes you feel any better I just spent 30k fixing a low bid pool I had installed 3 years ago. Fight to get it done right. Don’t be me.

And Tom has almost no involvement with his kids

One person is an asshole who has children. The other is just an asshole. If I didn’t have any children I’d go harness free too. It’s dumb not impressive.