r/2bonehurting2juice, the crossover we never knew we needed.

Actually, it's even worse than that. The decision grants the President immunity for "official acts", but doesn't give lower courts any test or standard for what constitutes such an act. Thus, the only determinant of an "official act" is...you guessed it, the Court that just issued this decision.

It's basically carte blanche for the Roberts court to capriciously use this power against Democratic Presidents, and in favor of Republican ones, since the ruling is so intentionally vague. Combine that with the Exxon decision, and we now have a three-tiered government instead of a three-branch government, with unelected "Justices" at the top and Congress at the bottom.

Polearm mastery and Fearsome on the first guy for sure. Give him a swordlance, let him eat. Second guy needs a weapon mastery to be fat neutral. It's also the only thing that will make Berserk/Recover useful.

It's been so long since a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup that Canadian housewives think the Stanley Cup is some fancy coffee mug from TikTok.

Banner with either swordlance or handgonne depending on which route you prefer. I'd go handgonne for this bro because he doesn't have stars in fat. Get his ini to ~140 so he can apply debuffs at the start of every round. Make sure he has QH and Bags, and give him Fearsome and Overwhelm. If you double gun, you can mess up everything except undead in round two.

Bro doesn't care who he's fighting, as long as they're between two and eight feet tall with a gap in the middle where the music comes in and out.


Hey, now. Don't get any ideas about my mattress.

ETA: Or my wife, come to think of it.


Depends on location and specialty. I'm neuro med/surg in Columbus, so not exactly a high-paying combination. Still unbeatable in that I get to make travel wages while sleeping with my wife on my expensive mattress every night.


WTF is an end of shift note? Are we physicians all of a sudden? Our flowsheets are our notes. Any employer that requires a progress note from nurses beyond flowsheets, patient education, and care plans is looking for an easy way to throw you under the bus if shit goes sideways.


I work as an internal traveler in Georgia, and I make $60/hr.


$112,320 neuro med/surg internal agency in Georgia.

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

This. The texture of steamed ribs is off-putting to me, which is why I don't wrap.

Are you writing all this, or are you using AI for most of it? This whole thing reads like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ima Fuck Yo Ghetto Ass Up.

Not really. Undocumented migrants suppress wages by working under-the-table. They also help unscrupulous employers avoid FICA taxes, which makes libertarians cream their pants.

I agree: People who oppose idiots perpetuating their idiocy deserve long, girthy dongs.

Qatal, because his stats aren't good enough for fencer. He needs Dagger Mastery and Duelist. The last two perks are per preference, but I'd take Fearsome and Gifted for a few extra points in matk.

That looks awesome. I love porchetta. There's a sausage joint in Fargo that does them, and they're amazing.

A lot of good physicians use Google too. I'd argue that few things are more dangerous than a doctor who thinks they know everything.