You might have just convinced me to give it another shot! Hahaha

My bestfriend and his partner always do stuff like that for each other hahaha, while the artistry isn’t necessarily in the room with us, I think it’s super cute and definitely an intention I’d appreciate!

Right? Why wasting good food when you can ask for it to be made without 😅

Lmao exactly, a pizza is the last thing I’d think about if I was at the Machu Picchu

On dirait le chat du meme qui bouge sa tête sur les chansons mdr

The devil’s lettuce was for starters or dessert? 😛 love the drink and the tulips, very cosy vibes

There are some pretty decent ones nowadays honestly, especially for pizza and overal baked stuff. But after a while you just stop thinking about the real deal as well

As a vegan for many years, I’ve seen horrendous cheese alternatives but in retrospect they all looked better than that.

I go to Edeka quite often but this seems like a lot for this price, well done! Rewe could never lol

Ca me choque pas trop en vérité, le sushi au spam étant déjà plutôt connu! Ça dépend peut être de la saucisse aussi 😂 merguez bof

AH is quite expensive in general. + OP got items like these pouches/wok mix which are always more expensive than getting the ingredients separately and make it yourself 😁

Can’t believe she’s 31. Terrifying

Oh you’re probably right man, but it’s a different price for sure lol, I know enough about alcohol to know that pricy =/= good, and I live in a country where okay vodka is about 10 bucks so I wouldn’t even bother. Even if I did for a special occasion I wouldn’t go for Grey Goose, it shouts “club vodka to impress the girls” moment, even though I’m French and I appreciate that it is