Indeed it is. Goddamn if that int what we(USA) did at Bunker Hill. Deliberately went after the British Officers with our best marksmen. It was a catastrophe for the British and their fleet had to leave Boston Harbor. I acknowledge I can be sentimental. My French Heritage perhaps but whether it’s the seemingly impossibly young men hidden under trees with PS3 controllers raining drone hell on Russia or the seemingly unflappable Zelenskyy-I see tricornered hats all around. Vive Ukraine!

As opposed to a “white sale”. Usually linens, towels etc.

Entirely possible. Right now tho he seems quite symptomatic and hopefully an adjustment to his pressure setting would help. And he does need help. Not sure how his wife has held on as long as she has.

He does now for sure. However cognition is one of sleep apneas first casualties. OP needs to ruthlessly pressure him to get his apnea treated. For Christ’s sake he can be tested at home these days. People as symptomatic as he is are at risk for heart attack or stroke. Oh BTW the television need to get out of the BR. They are a total sleep disruptor. And next time he kicks you he should get a foot quickly applied to a place so tender he’ll never ever think of doing that again. Jeez.

30 yr BIPAP user here. Your husbands sleep apnea treatment needs to be reviewed. The snoring should be hugely reduced. His head should be a lot clearer. He should have a great deal of fatigue relief. As symptomatic as he is he’s at risk for some of the worst sleep apnea outcomes.

I think “avuncular” is appropriate. Originally Latin for maternal uncle it has broadened meaning for appropriate but very positive feelings for some one a generation younger. Plus I think it sounds classy.

Inconvenient truth: Sixteen is the age of consent in 31 states. I don’t like it at all. But there it is.

73 yr M here. I’d recommend studying the subject matter until you’re a subject matter expert. Spend twenty minutes a day until you’re the guy people want to talk to about this matter. A more positive way to think about these benefits is that they’re a portfolio of assets. Manage your portfolio. Be open minded. Relocating might benefit you a lot or not at all. Get work. You’re self employed now!

Exactly. Precisely correct. Denver was a godsend. It’s easy to miss just how incredibly popular AND how absolutely mainstream he was. First time I heard Poems,Prayers, and Promises I sat down and figured out the chords. It was incredibly validating. Pretty song too!

I spent a lot of nights with my grandparents. Truly wonderful folks. But the LOVED Lawrence Welk!!!

The liberation from the POW camp had a number of ugly, pathetic aspects that seemed appropriate/logical in context. The Nazis offered absolutely no resistance. Paradoxically any that wanted to fight fled. American tanks leveled most of the fences systematically. Some of the guards were going around with letters. The letters were to be like reference letters”I didn’t abuse any Americans-honest”. Some guards were summarily executed. There was some Nazi on Nazi score settling. Dad said it all happened very very fast. Once the weapons changed hands the armored column moves on. For a couple days they were pretty much on there own. Once a regiment dedicated to sorting things out arrived Dad was put on a plane to London. Malnourished. Skin lesions.Skeletal. The Russian POWS were in charge of prisoner food service. Dad had a number of odd food issues. Chowders, soups with potatoes, anything “creamed were absolutely off the table. I know he shared a lower bunk with another GI. obviously there wasn’t much linen service. The latrines were almost open pits. And they were frequently used for score settling. Apparently a resting spot for some of the more brutal guards. Ironically whilst Dad was recovering in London the Army initiated a program to convert conspicuously medaled combat veterans to MP’s. For good reasons many of the MP’s had been kept stateside. Unfortunately the combat veterans had hair trigger combat reflexes. Dad had among other stuff a silver and a bronze star. One from D-Day. One from the Bulge. The each came with a Purple Heart as a companion piece. Not surprisingly these combat veterans had a calming effect on the R&R settings. Dad recovered nicely. But all good things come to an end and he got orders to the pacific. That’s when things took a weird turn. The night before he was to leave he got in a huge argument with a thoroughly drunken general. Ultimately three of MPS in the generals coterie separated them. The cause of the argument: the General thought since he was from Boston he must be a fan of “those stinking (expletive deleted) Red Sox” That didn’t go over well at all.

My Dad was captured at the Bulge. He and his team were in a jeep charged with locating the front and then calling in artillery. Two men survived the onset. Two didn’t. Dad and his compatriot were marched to the Bad Orb prison camp. I’d ask dad if he was hero. His answer was always the same,”anybody who gives up their life pursuits, puts on a uniform to protect all of us, everyone of them is a hero- whether in Europe, the Pacific, or fixing typewriters in Kansas is a hero. Everyone. Distinctions beyond that are meaningless”. I was much older before I learned the back story to the typewriter repair guy. But you’ll have to buy me another drink to hear that story.

Odds are you’re not. Take from an older gentleman guys like this get very very good at hiding who they are. You caught on very quickly. Congratulations.

I work in the MJ industry in MA. It’s common knowledge that an MJ medical card disqualified you from a “carry permit”. I sold my rifles when my uncle and hunting partner passed. Pistols went when we became pregnant with our first. No sacrifice at all but I’d bet a dollar half of my old crowd would qualify to share a cell with old Hunter.

Take the 100k Dump the man/boy before the wedding. Prenup becomes irrelevant. OP learns an adult truth. The truth will set you free. But first it will make you miserable.