Growing up my best friend's parents were serious smokers. Both her and her two brothers developed asthma from the secondhand but it didn't slow them down at all. Her mom was driving us back from the mall one time and decided to light up when we got onto the highway. I was sitting behind the driver's seat and when she cracked the window to ash the wind blew a hot clump straight into my eye

There's nothing wrong with not believing. Spirituality is complex and your boyfriend is a person with his own opinions about it, as are you. I'm not sure what the motivation is here but trying to coerce him into sharing your views won't bring you closer together. It will push him away

It's very unlikely that the doll is causing you misfortune in life. As you said your actions are your own, the doll didn't make those choices for you, and life is unpredictable. As for what it is it could have been used for literally anything, but from your description it sounds like a poppet of sorts (think "voodoo dolls"). Folk magicians use them for spell casting, and the poppets/dolls are made to represent the target of the spell.

The dead visiting in dreams?Experience

I've carried this around for a while and am not really sure where else to voice it except here, so I'm hoping someone may be able to provide some insight if possible. My spirituality is not the strongest and I've been kind of rattled since this occured so I don't know I guess I just want to get it off my chest if anything.

My father passed away in 2019. It was very unexpected and he and I didn't have a good relationship at the end, so it was rough. A few months after though I encountered him in what I can only describe as a lucid dream. The dream itself was quite long but I don't remember anything except the bit with my dad which took place at the very end. He and I were standing in the kitchen of my current house at the time talking. What specifically about I don't remember. We were just laughing and shooting the shit, and in the middle of him saying something I had this really strange feeling come over me. I don't know how to fully describe it but it sort of felt like the sinking feeling you get in your gut when something isn't right mixed with like a brain fog? It wasn't scary really but very uncomfortable and sobering. At that moment in the dream I rasied my hands up and looked down at my palms, and the second my eyes saw my skin it was like a snap into reality and I was lucid. I knew I was in a dream. I looked back up at my dad who had gone silent during this happening, and he had this defeated and sad look on his face. Almost like he knew what was going on but didn't want to say anything. I said "I'm not awake right now, am I?", and he shook his head a little and said "I'm sorry [childhood nickname]". Then my eyes shot open and I was awake.

I know this is a little anti climatic but I didn't experience anything else past that. I just woke up and it was over. In general I'm a fairly active dreamer but have never had this level of awareness in one before, so I don't know if this is just wild brain stuff caused by grief or something more. If anyone has heard of something like this happening before or have experienced something similar please let me know your thoughts. Thanks for reading

No, both males and females can have hairy legs. My girl is quite fuzzy so I personally don't give weight to the leg hair factor. Checking for pores is really the only way to tell for sure. There's loads of good reference pics online to help in locating them. Honestly the most difficult part is waiting for your crab to be in a position where you can see them before they scuttle away lol

Look for gonopores! They're a pair of tiny openings on the underside of the crab's body located on the base segments of where the third pair of legs attach. They look like little dots to our eyes. Only females have gonopores as the function is to allow fertilization during mating. So no pores = dude crab, present pores = lady crab :)

Damn I hope so. Their opinion is the only one that matters to me

Can't say what the random string of letters/numbers(?) is, but the symbol on that paper is a sigil- most likely for protection, but they can be for anything. These are used a lot in spiritual practices that work with the runic alphabet.

"He's a great dad that loves them" - he just physically abused your infant child, has a history of beating animals, berates your children and diminishes their feelings about his behavior, destroyed your home in a violent fit of rage not once but twice.. and this is what your picture of a "loving" father is? This is not love. It's cruelty. Pull your head out of your ass and get out.

My friend's son behaves exactly like this and has an ADHD diagnosis along with some other significant behavioral issues. He has a severe lack of impulse control and the majority of it revolves around food/putting things in his mouth, makes me wonder if that's what's happening here. Will never forget the time we all lived together and as I was bringing friend's son in through the garage after school dude bullldozes past me and throws himself to the ground to lick a puddle of oil that was leaking out from our mower. Wild stuff.

Bro I'm not saying you're dying/will die. Reactions to venom can vary person to person, but that doesn't make the venom itself any less medically significant. And you don't know what it may or may not be doing to your body while it's knocking around in there until you see a doctor. Do what you want, but just know it is incredibly risky and ill advised to not seek medical attention after a bite from one of these. Even if you don't feel sick.

a beautiful American Painted Lady! she's a butterfly :)

Camel spider - these things can grow enormous. My aunt served over seas for a time and said at night the camel spiders would start coming out around their camp in the desert. They'd charge at your boots to try and get a bite in if they thought you were walking too close.

Looks like a sowbug or pillbug - a harmless friend

Leafhopper - their colors are quite pretty but unfortunately these dudes are ravenous pests that will feed on the sap in your garden plants. They can transmit diseases from plant to plant through feeding as well.

Ok this drawing is the cutest thing ever- but to answer it's likely a leaf/planthopper! I've been getting these little guys inside my house a lot lately, they like to hang out on my monitor at night

YTA. Don't be surprised when the day comes that you no longer hear from him. Your son deserves so much better than you.

Fam this is a dirt smudge on the wall, relax

Obligatory 'not me' comment, but no one ever believes it when I tell them-

My cousin was struck by lightning. Went out to grab something he left in his car during a thunderstorm, stuck the key in the door, and CRACK. Says all he remembers was a quick flash of light and then waking up lying flat on his ass in the driveway feeling weird. No lingering health problems now, but he had to see the doctor for a while regularly afterwards to make sure his heart didn't give out from the disrupted current.