Bayle the white whale and Captain ahab Igon

Freaking love this


Now show me the raikages assistant instead

Shizune who?

Oh when she gets all pissy at you for touching the fingers?

She does swear revenge or something I remember know

Because it is.....?

Ever since there's been games people have found ways to take advantage of bugs and glitches to their betterment

Do you honestly think they put them in with that damage intentionally?

Hahaha my man

And what's crazy is the trope worked and I actually liked him!

How was she partially teased in the frenzy ending? I only remember fire (didn't even notice the thumbprints everywhere until a vaati vid)

He also failed to keep up his promise to his dead bro (Godwyn) to initiate the eclipse and return his soul

Couldn't make the sun disappear so he moved onto his next failure

Dudes got a legacy and it ain't achieving things

He already has a cure just didn't know it

The needle works, it just needed timey wimey shit from forum azula to finish

It can completely rid us of an outer gods influence (frenzy boi) so it should be perfectly capable of doing the same for malenia but he gave up and then moved on to his next abject failure (St Trina, the eclipse, the halig tree and or attempting to ascend to godhood by tricking Mohg)

He was this close and then just......gave up and moved on

Childish if you ask me

Lmao I'm just imagining the constant posts of "I beat malenia but didn't get the line implying it, wtf from soft broken dlc!" If they did have a line like that

I don't think he ever had a childhood crush as much as he knew he would need a strong consort (as Marika did initially with Godfrey) and he picked the strongest of the kids who also seemingly had an obsession with Godfrey himself

Then again wouldn't evey single love or romantic thought Miquella have be a childhood crush what with the eternally being youthful bit

Dudes not "good" Smh

He forces people to follow him and quite literally takes away their freewill, forcing enemies to interact with one another

Free will is like, sacred almost as much as life itself and taking it away is similar to taking lives imo

I rewatched Vaatis miquella vid from last year and am more convinced than ever that Godwyn was never gonna be brought up or appear (despite the communities insistence that he does)

Even I ended up somewhat convinced that the eclipse would be one of the main parts but that was all a failed attempt by Miqeulla, who had constant failures in his life, couldn't save malenia from rot, couldn't bring godwyn back, couldn't complete the unalloyed needle, couldn't bring about the eclipse, couldn't get the haligtree to survive and to replace the erdtree

Dude was nothing but failures, no wonder he ends up going back to his plan he had with his big brother all those years ago (other siblings are omen and cursed, cursed with rot, dead dead, heretical etc , Radahn was like one of the few half normal ones)

I was sure we were gonna get a more direct Griffith eclipse and maybe see the godhand of elden ring

Oh well there's always Berserk 1999

didn't rely heavily on cheap tropes

I agree with you for the most part but big strong dumb guy being quiet is like, the tropiest of tropes

They clearly meant ask Pablo themselves as opposed to asking someone to ask him

Cmon man, use that thing between your ears

Yeah well incarnons have had their time in the sun, I'm kinda over it tbh and the meta surrounding them is yawn inducing


My crew member with the zarr (arbiters of hex rex) is the most powerful thing I have in my arsenal

He overshadows me or any of my frames

My little pokemon I throw out that has infinite ammo and fires at ludicrous speed, seemingly never having to even reload and can one shot basically anything upto proer endgame content

I love him

Dude I was a zarr and bramma main before the ammo nerfs

Yeah they were OP and you could fire almost none stop

Now you fire 5 times and that's about it, if you don't have a farmer to get more ammo out or use ammo spawns that weapon is essentially a waste of space in your Inventory

I actually liked to use the flechette mode occasionally and super shotgun enemies but with five shots what's the point?

If their objective was to make people stop using them they did remarkably well, now incarnon meta is beyond boring/tiring I kinda miss my bigboomstick

Who? Igon? Yeah dudes iconic almost instantly and has achieved legendary status in the community in less than a fortnight

That copy pasta will haunt From Soft for a long time

He's like a Chad dragon hunting version of Captain Ahab (and Bayle is his bad ass white whale)

Head and shoulders above any other NPC on Elden Ring for me and anyone from DS3

Never said it was good (that was a star wars reference to the abysmal failure that was Phantom Menace and one of Lucas's attempted defences of its story, that it "rhymed" despite that not making any difference to the quality of the product)

Reread those comments, I'm one of the ones shitting on him for just using his voice for like 5 movies (to the point where when they made a joke in chip n dale about it, it just pointed out how poor a voice actor he really is when all his characters interacted)

Just a funny coincidence that a high profile stoner voiced an anthropomorphised animal in the first and then years later a completely separate but almost as equally high profile stoner voiced a similar animal in the remake

Man, what a concept

I love that idea, imagine ass creed 4 but fromsoft style

Hell yeah, learning about cthulu style gods that various pirates have made deals with, avoiding merchant sailors or the "law"

Dude I go with yours (that being said I think a more in depth stealth title could be brilliant, sekiro, elden ring and parts of the dlc encourage stealth in moments, maybe a proper ninja stealth game as opposed to the more samurai esque sekiro)

He could visit Valhalla like Odin and tyr but not necessarily end up there

That's where mortals go, so where do gods go?

Odin's entire quest was for that answer

The cripples gave me so much trouble in DS3 (seriously I beat NK easier than those codependent assholes) so will always hate them (also Elden Ring DLC making a legacy version of this fight pissed me off just because it's a fight I hated so)

I actually really agree with your other 4 though (NK is my number one always though)