I've found alot of it is just carrying it around and having people be used to a camera around. Don't be snapping everything as it can get annoying but snapping a Pic of them just hanging out couple times would help get over it preety quickly then you'll be asked hey get a shot of this or that.

Some people are elitests when it comes to hobby that can be profitable. Just keep working on taking photos and try and make a name for yourself locally. I just got back from wondering around the city I'm in taking photos of stuff even stopped and took some photos for "influencers" here. Keep doing it without the exception for it to be a business right now and enjoy it.

I am no means a big photographer making loads but what I've seen is Word of mouth is great for exposure. I've gotten a few followers on ig from just going out to a popular spot and offering photos for people whether it be with my setup or just their phones. Take photos that you think are great and post them online and ask for feed back.

One big thing is not to force it. Don't shoe horn yourself into one type of photography right away and feel you only have to do that. Go take Street portraits, shoot some buildings, offer to do group photos at events/local points of interest, find a dress shop and offer to take some shots for them while they are having a showing.

You don't need the best of the best gear to make spectacular photos things like the proper posing or lighting will typically trump having the crispiest of crisp shots. I'm seeing photographers grabbing older cameras to get an authentic old school look to their stuff.

I could be completely wrong but that's just from my point of view as a beginner as well.

Ima bigger size guy in Vietnam. The hostels arnt an issue other then some passage ways being a little smaller but the beds hold me fine. Things like sleeper busses are a pain cause they are made for tiny people where I'm nearly twice the weight.

I had someone look at me like I was crazy when I said there were load of Chinese Mexicans who speak both Chinese and Spanish

It's not common my first ladder bled to death that's how I ended up getting a step ladder.

Better to say this before the next shoot is due so your not out twice as much.

It's mostly selfies but the occasional tripod and timer or remote control. Most of my shots taken are of buildings or scenery. Occasional people but I try not to bother people by taking photos of them. I'm having trouble making content for my travel vlog just cause I don't want to be constantly on camera or just sticking camera in people space. Some of the shops I've been to are peoples homes and I don't want to intrude.

Then give it a nice edge.

That doesn't mean they were doing it intentionally. Probably just going close to a scent of something edible and the wind knocks them loose.

In the week and 4 hotels/hostels ive been in I pay up front and they take a picture of my passport. I would never hand my passport over to someone else to let them hold onto. It stays with me with my visa paperwork.

When I'm traveling in a new area forest or city I'll have my ears uncovered to listen to any out of the ordinary sounds.

I have a 9l sling with multiple hand holds and I've have no discomfort other then my 50l pack in pushing the strap into my ribs. It's all about weight and positioning properly imo.

The bigger issue Is have you ever walked so far before? Almost 2 hours by car is a preety far distance to walk. Legal or illegal your going to be so physically destroyed walking that far your legs are going to be like rubber. If your planning to hitch hike that distance it is illegal in queenslands from what I've ready in a quick google whether they stop your for it or not is a coin toss. Be careful making making that trip no matter what you do.

I'm traveling through Vietnam now and I don't think ive spent more then 40 or 50k for a meal. I saw that and was like he got ripped off.

I see it as their way of sending the loved one off. My first day here I was woken by one and I didn't mind. 6am, Loud drumming and yelling, and noone else is Giving it a second glance. Obviously it's common enough that as a foreigner I should see it's not an issue. They passed by my hostel while I was sitting in the lobby enjoying a drink and waking up for the day. I was paying attention to it trying to figure out funeral or other type of ceremony and the receptionist clarified it for me.

Dudes trying to intimidate the guy who wanted to fight a gorilla. And bit a dudes ear off. He's screwed. I wouldn't mess With tyson if he was dead and buried.

I'd strap most of the bigger stuff outside. Sleeping pad tent/tarp leave the interior for the tighter packed things or stuff u don't want to bumped to hard

having a plan is great but sometimes winging it is amazing. i spent about 10 hours yesterday wandering around hanoi with no real plan other then try and find a pool to swim. and guess what that failed but i had a blast. if you are set on seeing something specific then aim to see it but dont try and cram all the things into your trip.

Wandr fernweh. I love the feel of it and it's super comfortable in testing it for hot spots while moving.

Doing an extended trip through SEA. Got one bag packed with cloths and extra gear. The smaller bag is for my camera for quick access when walking around the citys/temples.

Does a slightly smaller bag negate the whole one bag mindset?

Why not go to goodwill and see if it can be located?