Many will and what’s even more fun, they will actually steal it this time around. Even if he loses in November, Christian nationalism has already taken hold of the Republican Party and laws mean nothing to people that think they are gods right hand. I give it until 2027 until the country is an autocracy or theocracy.

As for disclosure, hope everyone is ready for the phenomenon to be twisted into religion. “It’s angels and demons. Anyone spreading contradictory information should be reported to their local church.”

The NHI don’t allow nukes in space. We are almost up to the 12k year cycle anyway.

What’s really going to be ironic is when they ban all guns in a year or two after they secure power and end democracy.

Dudes an idiot if I had to guess. Many idiots don't know history, it's the reason it keeps repeating.

Might want to include the actual petition. Then again your account looks to be a bot of some sort.

Check out the Mantid loosh theory. Fun times

Hope all the lawyers out there are brushed up on their bibles. Even if the felon loses in November it’s going to get very ugly soon.

Okay Siri: how to invest in an emergent theocracy?

This was my fist CD. Neither my parents nor I knew what the green leaf was.

lol no this was at Bradshaw Farm GC right?

I used to pick that range when I was 17

Passing 20 cars with my phone out the window to scan makes me feel superior to all the peasants in line.

Hedge funds do this.

How about he apologizes for taking the helm knowing full well his past debunked mummies would severely hamper mummy disclosure. He could have stayed in the background at least at the start and it wouldn’t have been so heavily ridiculed especially in the UAP community. Not even trying to talk badly about him but his ego came first.

Stuff from Pendulum. Now I’m listening to the same 100 songs on Spotify bc I don’t know how to find a decent playlist and don’t have time to research new stuff. Kinda sad

When I was a poor as dirt in my early twenties I signed up for steak and shake’s email well over 50 times. You got a full free meal drink, burger and fries instantly. Used it almost every day usually two times a day.

I remember being an annoying asshole teenager but I never gave back to the community like this upstanding citizen. Shame on my teenage self.

Google says around $20k for one in good condition. This looks like it’s in pretty darn good condition.

He usually tweets exactly at the turn of the hour. Someone go through his tweets and decipher what that means, thanks.

It’s so hard to come to grips with.

I’m all for a large tax increase for the extremely wealthy but 400k cap is absurd.

I’m still pissed he stayed as the face presenting the mummies but you can’t help but like the guy.