Looking for feedback on a melodic house track I’m finishing up, particularly the second verse onwards, I’m very happy with it so far :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jZOFVDCNoMboEt9CBI0SVwxyoBeioCnr/view?usp=drivesdk


Ctrl-shift-U to open your take lane Arrow keys/click to takes, “T” to audition a take “Enter” to make a take active. You can highlight sections of a take and click Enter to make just that portion active

When you’re all set with your take, select the audio and ctrl-alt-f to auto add cross fades for a smooth take sound. Hope this helps!

Hey man, you have great stuff! Would love to collab on a remix

CutIt-DommieDJ, Seeking general feedback :)

Made this indie dance remix this week for a song called "Ubu" by Methyl Ethyl, about 85% of the way there with a few tweaks to add. Really looking for general feedback of how I occupy the stereo space, sound design, my build-ups, etc


[FEEDBACK] DommieDJ - CutIt - Indie Dance/HouseSeeking Feedback

Made this indie dance remix this week for a song called "Ubu" by Methyl Ethyl, about 85% of the way there with a few tweaks to add. Really looking for general feedback of how I occupy the stereo space, sound design, my build-ups, etc


Made this indie dance remix this week for a song called "Ubu" by Methyl Ethyl, about 85% of the way there with a few tweaks to add. Really looking for general feedback of how I occupy the stereo space, sound design, my build-ups, etc 


Made this indie dance remix this week for a song called "Ubu" by Methyl Ethyl, about 85% of the way there with a few tweaks to add. Really looking for general feedback of how I occupy the stereo space, sound design, my build-ups, etc


Made a little trap flip off a tyga sample, needs some rework on the vocals, but it came together very quickly and I think it sounds cool as hell. Let me know your thoughts :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/11cwhjcln88cS5PnrOQ8qyDXxxYwan9Ld/view?usp=sharing

Looking for bass transcriptions? I'm your guy!

What's up everyone! I'm new to this sub and am so happy to see a thriving community of transcribers and transcript seekers. It is one of my favorite musical pursuits.

Over at my website, domryanmusic.com, I have a huge amount of bass transcriptions to look from, and am ALWAYS looking for new recs and challenges!

Apologies for the self promo, but I am always looking for new pieces to get my transcription chops a run through!

Count subdivisions out loud WHILE playing to a metronome. Be super precise on your notes landing on each verbal subdivision, there is no better practice. It’s frustrating but gets you absolutely locked

Gametime, I’ve been able to get seats for insanely cheap


I'm mad late to the party, but I just finished transcribing love buzz for bass on my website, and let me tell you, this is not an easy song to play lmao

I’m actually a headliner watch the disrespect 🤨 /s

Small coffee shop/bar, extremely low stakes, hence why I'm making a push to perform!

Have about two months to prep for my first gig, advice?

I just received my first DDJ and am a Day 1 beginner. My friend asked me to help with a 1.5-2 hour set for a non-profit event

For context, I gig on electric bass and piano regularly, and went to college for classical bass, and do a lot of original production on my own, but am an absolute beginner the decks lmao. I think I have the ear for it but am ready to be humbled

With that said, I would love to know how to prepare and practice as I begin my DJ journey. Appreciate you all!

Stutter Vocals EffectQuestion

Hey everyone! Usually, when I’m making stutter effects, i use the classic “make a midi track with the rhythm I want, plop a gate on the vocals, and side chain it to the midi”, but this ends up being time consuming, and a bit of a headache.

What do you do to set up this effect? I’m looking at investing in shaperbox3, but want to hear your guys thoughts on other workarounds you might use too!


Musescore has this capability and is free! Just write out/copy the score you want, and convert it to a midi file :)

Can never ever go wrong with RC-20. Sounds amazing on everything

Hahaha right to the chase. It’s what I’ve been thinking about, but wanted some more confidence in the purchase

Looking for my first DJ DeckHardware

Hey all! I'm in the market for my first DJ deck.

A little bit about myself, I have been playing music for close to 20 years and got into producing my own about two years ago. I gig regularly on piano and bass, and am looking to get into DJing, to play some of my favorite mixes and eventually my own tracks. I really want to get into DJing so I can gig by myself if my bands are unavailable.
Ideally, I would like something that won't break the bank, and that has live performance capabilities if I chose to use external instruments/midi controllers in collaboration with the deck.
I had my eyes on the DDJ FLX-4, but would love any insight and opinions that could help with my decision!
For my production set up, I have a desktop as well as a MacBook M1, where I use Ableton to create my music. I usually lean on my MacBook