I have one that says “surely not EVERYONE was kung fu fighting”, and same. GenX compliments my shirt, everyone else goes “huh?”. My kids just roll their eyes. 😆

I am also back in my hometown, and I keep trying to stop at an intersection that had a four way stop the whole time I was growing up, but has apparently been moved for nearly twenty years. I get honked at a LOT, lol. I choose to believe the honking is in solidarity because moving the sign was dumb.

It used to be, when we were all dependent on radio, since most of us couldn’t afford every album that came out. I don’t know how much it matters now that we can access pretty much anything we want through streaming.

I think it’s just that streaming has made whole albums so much more accessible that a lot of people don’t remember or understand the purpose of releasing singles, or that most of us weren’t buying whole albums for artists we weren’t huge fans of, and the singles were the only way we got certain songs. I can see how people might be confused about why singles are released, when they are used to being able to listen to whole albums without paying out the ass, lol.

The singles are generally to create interest in the album for more casual listeners, not the die hard fans. Back when we were spending outrageous amounts on one album, and were dependent on the radio because no streaming, the singles were the only way we could gauge whether that album might be worth $18 if we weren’t already a huge fan. I don’t know that it matters as much these days, but it’s hard to just change what people are used to. 🤷‍♀️

I loved 24 hour supermarkets; I would get the kids to bed and grocery shop at midnight in peace. No lines, no kids trying to sneak snacks into my cart, no one to get annoyed when my stupid Tetris Complex From Hell rears its ugly head at the self check, and I take half an hour to pack my bags (thanks OCD 🙄). I wish they would come back, at least I could do something useful when I can’t sleep instead of doom scrolling all night.

You look hot as shit (seriously, I kind of have to hate you for how freaking amazing you look in this!), and that’s the reason I feel this isn’t wedding appropriate.

You would command a LOT of attention I feel, even just from those of us who would be staring at you wishing we could rock a dress like that. I would say save it for an occasion where it is okay for you to grab all the attention, and find something a bit more understated for the wedding.

But seriously, how do you manage to look like that dress was sewn on you? Not cool, and not fair, OP. Save some for the rest of us. 😉😘

When I used to road trip with friends or family, the general rule of thumb was that the nookie-wanters snuck out and found a secluded spot to get it on so everyone else could sleep. It was just considered the polite thing to do, lol.

Saving like that is doable if you live near a farming community and sign on for harvest, save that money, and work a regular job the rest of the year for spending money. My brother saved enough for college tuition and housing that way; they work long hours for a few weeks and make bank. Our local high school shuts down every year for two weeks because most of the high school students, and a good chunk of the teachers, go work in the potatoes. I’m sure there are other niche gigs like that as well, if you live in the right areas.

I wore a lipstick pink ball gown (found at goodwill for a Barbie costume) to my daughter’s first grade tea party a couple months ago because she told me I had to wear the fanciest thing I could find. Surprisingly, I still wasn’t even the fanciest mom there. 😆

Same at my school. He made damn sure I got the “real” history teacher my second semester, lol. I got the baseball coach as my French teacher, and ended up with the same situation. I wanted to learn, they did not want to teach.

They do where I live. However, both of my older kids waited until they were old enough to make me teach them instead. 😑

Ooh, that sounds lovely. I’ll bring a couple afghans instead, since you seem to be good on quilts. 😆

She mentions in a comment having chronic pain that is worse in the mornings, which is very different than “couldn’t be assed to go”. Plenty to criticize here without making rude assumptions about people’s habits and thoughts based on nothing.

She mentions that her lupus flare ups are always worse in the mornings, and it makes it hard to go out. My college boyfriend’s mother dealt with something similar, and we did our best to not schedule things before mid afternoon, if possible.

Come crash with me for a bit; I have a great sewing machine. I will piece you a quilt in exchange for some dresses that fit (I CAN sew clothing, but hate it). We can visit Yellowstone and Jenny Lake on the weekends. 😉

Huh. I worked in Washington in 1997, and made less than minimum. Little “Italian” bistro in a college town. Geez, maybe I could have sued.

I’ve waited tables in Idaho, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Most sit down wait staff aren’t making minimum wage. Restaurants generally pay their servers $2-3/hr. The most I ever made was $3.80, and that was after several years and a couple raises.

She definitely knows how to play everyone, doesn’t she?

Moms are good at that, lol. I’m currently nodding along to my daughter’s dream of being an actor (we live in Idaho), but I have requested that she at least take a year to go to cosmetology school or something so she doesn’t starve while she’s “making it”. 😆

That makes me sad about Harrison Ford; I spent a couple Christmases working at the Toys R Us in the closest city to Jackson (this was about thirty years ago, mind you), and he would call in with a big toy order, and then send someone to pick it up.

He was always very polite and friendly to whoever answered, and would ask opinions on replacements if we were out of anything on his list. I remember when one of the guys came out from the back and said “I just spent half an hour talking about the Nintendo 64 with Han Solo!!” 😆