Leomunds Tiny Hut lasts for 8 hours, if you know what I mean.

:aserai: Aserai

Single combat is at least as important to success as battlefield strategy.

You yourself should get to the point where you are worth a dozen or more soldiers. Practice the combat, focus on mounted melee, and equip yourself as well as you can, mainly from loot and without spending too much.

Aside from that, you can issue commands to different groups of soldiers, and you can reorganize your soldiers by type so that they will group together.

For money, win battles and sell loot. There's a skill that makes you better at it, and you can get companions in taverns that can boost this. Once you gain enough victories and prowess to warrant it, a ruler would consider giving you a fief. Villages usually don't make much money, but castles and cities can make a lot. Once you have one, your money troubles should pretty much be over.

You can also make money with workshops, which you can buy in the cities, but they have a high starting price and can be unreliable.

I remember thinking this about GTA2 and Driver late into the PS1 era. And then that operatic commercial for 3 hit, and I about lost my mind.

My current answer would be something like xcom and mass effect, a squad turn based rpg with a rich sci fi lore and crazy unit specialization. It could be sandbox or story driven and still be awesome.

I think a lot of comments are just describing a video game with a crazy plot. The assignment seems to be more like:

"You jump back and forth across hovering metal girders in order to step on hamburger ingredients, which then fall into place on a giant hamburger, while hot dogs and condiments chase you around and try to kill you, thus preventing the full assembly of the hamburger."

isn't this just Shang Tseung from Mortal Kombat? you take people's souls in order to become that person and assume all their strengths and moves


I feel like they could have fit a lot more people in the stadium than inside pregnant women.

my point is it's time to cancel karl

:ranger: Ranger

Now that the joke thread has run its course, I just want to say, that "dipshit" from RDJ is one of my favorite lines in the entire Avengers franchise.

:ranger: Ranger

What am I supposed to say? Jesus?

Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?

Also Marx

Evangelizing Zealots

I forgot to change the default species rights, and some refugees were eaten.

I'm kinda worried that XP to Level 3 has the correct take and it's just the mounted class now.

The UFO was incredible. It's nice when a secret delivers and is worth the trouble to get it, and even though it was insanely overpowered, it wasn't actually invincible, but it also showed how much fun the game was even when you had something that broke all the rules.

no superheroes please.

I guess that eliminates the one season of the Imperfects.

On mobile, Ninja Arashi 2. Hands down one of the best platformers I've ever played.


Didn't one of the presidents tour all state capitols and decided Harrisburg was the nicest?


Reading these comments is like flipping back and forth between news channels.

What is the Leviathan in Isaiah 27?

In that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent; and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.


Martial class that focuses on throwing weapons. Gets a +2 to hit with slings or thrown weapons, +1 if throwing a regular weapon.

Subclasses could features could boomerang effects, athletics check bonus, disengage or dash as bonus actions, ricochet throws, initiative advantage, bigger critical threats, the idea being mobility and effective ranged attacks or maximizing damage with huge throws.

I just found out about this recently when my buddy listed it as 2nd among his favorite beers, right behind free beer.

I'm assuming a lot of people have watched Bodkin, but nobody I know personally seems to know what I'm talking about.

:aserai: Aserai

I once lost the daring trait for retreating from an army of superior numbers.