Good men and women assume the best of people. Because that’s how they would act.

NTA I think you went about it in a gentle way.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. For me too it was all the habits I built. Gym, healthy food, sleep, mediation (big one)

I realised how much control I had over my life. I can choose to be happy. I started doing more, living for myself, filling up my time with positive habits, focused on exercise. I stopped identifying with being “depressed” and weirdly that worked.

Stubbornness paired with inability to let something go. Raising your voice and cussing me out. Betrayal of any sort

I just don’t like the meat-y taste with my eggs.

Stay active. Build habits from early on. It’s harder to start once you’re older.

Don’t be so trusting. Not everyone cares about you like you care about them.

It’s okay you’re both smiling in the picture :)

They start doing things with the risk of jeopardising the relationship, and don’t care.

Imagine being caught cheating like this.

The hair gel incident is abusive. And the fact that you need to “stay ontop of things”

Slowing everything down... for a moment... and just focusing on nature. Like just stopping to breathe in the crisp morning air for a moment, and focusing on nothing but that.

In 200 years, they'll probably think it's wild that we used to drive our own cars, shocked that we actually held steering wheels and eyeballed traffic lights

Do they do this on purpose?

Ik this is satire but I've caught myself resting my hand like this.

"It's okay to be a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time." Idk, that really stuck with me, it's fine to have room to grow, even when others see you as having it all together.