i’m so sorry for your loss, he will always be in your heart. you gave him a good life. making that call is hard. ❤️

how old are you? why did you sexualize them? did you sexualize the minor mcyts? if so why? i know there was ppl harassing you for it ( and it was deserved)

i’m also that close to giving up and the only thing that’s been keeping me is my family ur not alone my life is fucking shit we can both power through every day

Hi! I normally don’t post asking about stuff but I’m moving to michigan in a few months and i have a question about my license.

I’m 17 and currently live in Oregon! I’ve had my license since right after I turned 16 and been driving really consistently since. I’ve done research on driving laws in Michigan and my license would be equivalent a level three. I saw something on the Michigan.gov website that under 18 that they may not transfer my drivers license for whatever reason for whatever reason and it’s giving me anxiety. Does anyone know if they will take it away and make me start from square one? I’ve never took any drivers ed class, my dad taught me how to drive.

had my bp for five years, he’s never pooped on me or anyone 😅 just be careful handling after feeding

hi! i can’t answer all but i live in oregon and when i had my iggy (she passed of health issues) she always wore a sweater. if you start putting on them young they get used to it, she also pretty much had one on at all time unless it was over 75°f outside. since thier bodies are shaped so weird finding the right size from sweater to sweater can be odd. my iggy was anywhere from a small to a large.

my iggy was the runt and therefore she had a heart murmur and an enlarged heart. we knew that when we got her and from her first vet visit they told us her time was short. also around the time she was three started having problems with her back legs, they would be in pain and would become temporary paralyzed. we aren’t sure if it was because of her heart but a couple of months before she was six she was having mainly bad days and couldn’t walk at all and was in a lot of pain. her time was very short but this is just my experience, they are a great breed and very loving. she is the best dog i ever had and i plan on adopting a greyhound once i move.

very normal! my iggy had them, she had them more in the summer from sun bathing

i’m so so so so sorry. i lost my iggy who was my heart dog in november. it’s going to be hard for a while. mourn her in any way that helps to you, i got a tattoo of my pups paw print so she is always with me. don’t be afraid to cry and cry and cry. and remember that somehow life goes on as much as you don’t want it to :( you will get through it and you can remember her in the best way possible

i put the rat in a plastic bag than a brown bag (i live with other people who do not enjoy the rat) and leave it in the fridge for at least 12hours to thaw. than i use hot tap water put the rat in the water you can leave it in the bag or take it out, but the water should be 100-110°f. i leave the rat in the water until it reaches temp which my snake will take it as long as its 90°f and i use a temp gun to make sure everything is the right temps. i have a dedicated container that i put the rat in since me and my family don’t want to be eating out of a rat bowl.

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mine did it for the first time last winter,,, i just fed him tonight and luckily he took it so hopefully he doesn’t do it this year

you should focus ur money on improving ur current snakes inclosure and making sure you have the money stability and income after starting the second job before getting a second snake

oh my god that poor baby :(( the cracks and it looks like all the stuff in there is glued down ?! you honestly may have to get them a whole new tank, you can get stuff on amazon cheaper than at a pet store btw