I feel like someone needs to start embroidering red hats with "Make America Gay Again" and start co-opting every idiotic symbol they come up with

I expect to be banned so this feels silly typing out, but I'm genuinely curious. Could you name any statements made by Trump, without sarcasm, where he's trying to unite Americans? Not unite some conservatives with other conservatives, but unite "the people" of the United States.

That's a flimsy example of starting a fire with tinder for a dude who's literally set up on a huge pile of more of the same. This kind of person is why we have human caused forest fires.

Nothing's unexpected, the title has something "controversial" to get people in here talking about it for fake internet points like we're doing right here.

Beautiful fish though!

If you'd have told me at any point in my life up until 5 minutes ago that I would share tears of joy with a wings fan I'd have told you you're out of your mind.

I showed up to a re-shoot the other day, just a grungy old apartment with a wheelchair bound guy and his wife are renting. I went through best I could with the realtor, the owner sent a two page email with what "needs to happen", including moving 4 tires off a second floor patio, pulling up a purple piece of carpet on the floor that was screwed down that they used to protect the actual carpet from wheelchair wheels, moving a bunch of boxes and other random stuff around, moving the fucking lift for the wheelchair guy to get in and out of the tub! etc etc etc.

The realtor apologizes and explains that the owner is a bit of a handful, hands me a print out of the email, and says he has to go.

I'm charging double at least for that re-shoot.

Looks like an expensive way to showcase how in less than a year a bunch of those LEDs will be the wrong color

barre chords are what kill me.. I can campfire guitar my way through a session, but if I get too cocky and start trying to barre too many F chords or something I feel it in my index finger and thumb pretty bad.

was asked about raw video that someone else would edit

I was approached by a construction company that I've done a couple photo sessions for who wants to put together a kind of job site progression video over the course of the project (they suggested they might want to do it over 4 different sessions). They would like some drone footage done but they just want the raw video, they have a guy who puts together their videos, he just doesn't have a drone.. any thoughts on how to approach this as far as how to charge?

I'll also be doing some photos for them, which I'll be editing myself, it's just the video they want raw footage.

I'll also add that I don't do a lot of video, I mean, I shoot for fun, but I don't really know how to edit it more than absolute basics so it's not something I would normally provide anyways.

Suspensions for the misconducts in the final 10?DISCUSSION

Is that a thing? Kane, deharnais, Z and podz all for 10 minutes, do they all miss next game?

"Any player or team official who is assessed a Game Misconduct penalty in the last 10 minutes of regular playing time, at any time in overtime, or after the conclusion of the game will automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league/play-off game or seven days."

some of those fans look like nightmare fuel if you zoom in!

VAN - NHL :61312:

Demko is barely facing shots from Ian Clark in practice (not with the team) right now.. he won't be back for this series even if it gets to game 7

VAN - NHL :61312:

I mean, I'm not about to just randomly start wasting time going through people's post history. From the way you presented your first post, you'd have to be the stupid one to assume people wouldn't take it exactly as you insinuated. If that wasn't your intent, honestly, my bad, but like I said, I'm not just gonna go through your post history, you should qualify your statements so people don't have to.

VAN - NHL :61312:

I dunno if I'd use comments like that with your boy McDavid looking right at Hughe's face as he hammers him there with his stick? Or Kane's slew foot also on Hughes? Or the dirty bitch cup check on Hoglander away from the play? Or Hyman cross-checking Z in the face in the same clip as Soucy clipping McDavid? I'm not saying I want a star player injured by a cross-check in the face, but fuck off if you're suggesting it's one sided.

it's not even the wear and tear of playing 30 mins a night, it's that they have to play 30 minutes every night or the other lines would get caved too heavily.

I'm not against what you're suggesting, I'm against the Idea that people seem to suggest it's on the individual to change their behavior and ignoring the politicians/lobbyists/corporations shitting on everything in the name of another record quarter. "Hey if you become vegan and can convince 250 million of your closest friends to do the same, Tyson foods will stop polluting every waterway that exists in America because supply and demand."

If you think a company like Tyson foods would just throw up their hands and say "well, I guess they got us, they all went vegan" you're hilarious. They'll buy up whatever the industry is shifting to and carry on polluting, and lobbying for more deregulation in whatever areas they move in to, or another giant corporation will step in and continue doing what they do best, my point is that it doesn't matter, the huge companies who are caught ruining things for the rest of us aren't going to stop ruining just because some percentage of the population shifts their behavior.

I mean ok.. that doesn't change anything. If everyone went vegan, companies would still pollute due to lack of meaningful consequences, just different pollutants for different products.

that's like thinking riding your bike to work makes any meaningful difference on climate issues when there are a small number of companies basically causing almost all the problems.

this seems too perfectly stupid to be real, why do we cover over the only way to verify someone actually said it?

Some people who might look like they don't understand English phrases might just be Tool (band) fans!

If he wasn't before, it looked like he might have sustained one when he got sandwiched yesterday.

This isn't based on anything other than my own eyeballs watching the play so obviously I dunno shit about shit but I'm hoping he didn't crack a rib or something there. He looked a little too uncomfortable to have been just winded?

I dunno.. pure speculation

Reinforces what? That there's a conspiracy involving everyone involved with the NHL front office to not allow a Canadian team to win?

From one Canadian to another, get a grip, eh!

I don't think it's to prevent you from going, I think it's an attempt to minimize the huge scalpers from factoring in and pricing out local fans in the first five minutes.

I don't know that 100%, it was discussed in /r/hockey