Is it body snark to say that the amount of sugar and highly processed foods @emmasthing is eating during her pregnancy is stressing me the fuck out??

Info: how much did she pay for the original ticket?

Depending on the size of the profit she’d make from the SH sale, I’d tell her she owes you half the profit plus the $700 you paid her. She may still be out some $ but not as much as if she has to pay $2700 to the person who bought her ticket on SH. It’s all free money to you past the $700, and I bet you can find an even better ticket if your budget is in the $2k range.

This is weird, don’t do it.

Depending on where OP lives, Wren and Lyn may rhyme.

As someone who has personally known three women killed by their domestic partners, this is beyond terrifying.

Samantha, Claudia, Logan, and Jessamyn. I was an 80s kid, all my names were from Sweet Valley High, Baby-Sitters Club, and American Girl dolls lol

Translation: this child can’t fucking read. “Following along” with audiobooks isn’t reading. And a ten year-olds brain is no longer primed for learning the skills that comprise fluent reading. Would not be at all surprised if this child becomes a functionally illiterate adult. This is beyond tragic.

Picking the bartender in a room full of guys tho… 🥴🥴🥴 I will die on this hill

Yeah no. All these 40 year old guys think they’re gonna be the next Pedro Pascal, hitting it big in middle age out of seemingly nowhere. All you need to join SAG/AFTRA is like, three days as a background actor on a union job.

The aging NYC bartender/actor is generally a loathsome creature, right alongside the bartender/artist and the bartender/musician. And don’t even get me started on the bartender/writers.

He’s also an “actor.” It’s giving Leo…

My NC FIL sent me a happy Mother’s Day text and my husband spent the day pretending he didn’t care and then got drunk and sent me horrible texts for hours. So, there’s that.

lol 1 are you fucking kidding, this is disgusting and 2 this is blogsnark, not AITA, why is this a post here

Ngl I am constantly surprised that like 90% of the comments on the daily snark post are about boring ppl and boring content

Idk her bod is seriously smokin right now, 10/10 no notes

I dated several NYC bartenders when I was her age and I assure you they are all FWB no matter what they say to the contrary lol

Also now that I know this is a post of a teenager pretending to be pregnant I feel ok saying all these names are terrible.

Last week you were posting in another sub that you’re 17 years old


I don’t think there’s anything objectively wrong with the name Ulysses but baby names are a “two yeses = yes, one no = no” situation. Don’t try to convince her, just find another name you both like. This sub and others are full of posts with people resenting their spouses for insisting on names they didn’t like that now they regret.

There’s a great story in Trevor Noah’s memoir about a friend of his growing up who was named Hitler.

I mean.. other than the rashes, what was it actually supposed to be? I agree it’s snarkworthy but I also kind of enjoy it. I’ve asked questions in there occasionally when there’s no one in my real life to ask or I want more opinions.

Yeah I can’t keep up with it all because I love them both but a month or so ago @erickahart was going OFF on Amanda which I think was the first time I realized that some leftist Black ppl found Amanda problematic.

It’s an article. I’m commenting on an article. Is there only one kind of comment allowed

This topic has become so boring to me. Some people have kids and regret it! Some people have kids and don’t! Some people don’t have kids and regret it! Some people don’t have kids and don’t! Some people have conflicting feelings about their choice or their feelings change over time. Why does everyone in the media world continue to think that ReGrEtTiNg KiDs is such an exciting story.

Only 200 kids were named Cain in the US in the past year. It is not common.

Most Irish people say Saoirse Ronan mispronounces her own name lol