FUCK no.

Do not lift a finger.

She chose. And now we see her move from the FA to the FO phase of the journey from decisions to consequences.


If that's your honest answer... and that's it, that's the one sentence that sums up what you believe his thoughts and interior life are truly like, then you have to be the most out of touch non-parent the world has ever seen.

I hear people talk about the inner lives of their dogs in greater detail.

Oh, PS: the person supposed to help them understand respect clearly failed BADLY at their job.

That'd be you.

Sounds like she's a selfish, inconsiderate piece of crap, frankly.

Who goes to a wedding with the explicit intention of doing something against the stated wishes of the bride?

This asshole of a woman, apparently.


I personally wouldn't have anything to do with her after the fact.

Same goes for anyone who takes her side.

"I'm off to fuck other people!"

"I'm not happy with that"

"Doing it anyway"

=> Cheating.

A) who the fuck calls them an orgy party? (The clunkiness of language makes it sound fake)

B) MANY orgies will not accept a previously unknown solo male.

C) You didn't say "Go to that on your own and you're single"?

D) So... he didn't come back yet?

I doubt this is true, but if so, nothing to discuss. Dude fucked off to go bang strangers in public. Nothing wrong with that unless your committed partner says there's a problem.

This does, however, read like bullshit.

INFO: So when's the MIL being forcibly moved out and why isn't it yesterday?

OP has a husband problem.

Bonus points death threats for being a woman who dares to be out of line.

Yeah, enslave the grandchild for her parents' mistakes, fantastic idea.

Your idea of what needs doing is totally messed up.

Kids need and deserve time TO BE KIDS between their studies.

Whelp, you've solved the problem by making it so the actual problem person moves out, so well done, you.

YTA, though, but you don't seem to give a fuck about that, so whatever.

A whole MINUTE? No human woman could withstand such pleasure!

Take this bastard to the police. Get him locked out of your home. Make the fucker pay.


You need to give us a lot more information about your situation or you're going to get those piss discs.

NTA, she's a really shit friend to you, let her go.

I feel like I may get dunked on for this but... it sounds like you enabled the shit out of a complete and utter monster and are now agonising over the fact that you (HOPEFULLY) won't be continuing to do so?

Those kids need to never see that PoS human again, mother or not.

Honestly, I think you're very very misguided and frankly, YTA for supporting a criminally evil human.

Parenting absolutely takes energy, sometimes more than I've actually got in any given moment, but you find it and it's so enormously worth it!

My little dude and me always talk about everything and we've stayed tight and still have a lovely relationship even now he's nudging toward adulthood.

Every moment is worth it and precious as hell :)

Single topic sub now, huh?

Stop engaging with him. How much more proof do you need that this guy's a total fuckhead with only his own selfish desires at heart?

Love to read this, totally agree.

Just talk to them :) Discuss the games they want to play, the ones you yourself like. Give clear, honest reasons why you might at any given time not want them to play certain types of games.

Make sure they're not ignorant to the threats (bad players online, ways to con you out of money, etc).

Observe them from time to time, but not like a HAWK. Make them feel confident they can always come to you if some part of their gaming experience isn't comfortable.

And get 'em to have some variety in their hobbies! But also share the fun with them!


I have to do a fair bit of recruitment (am not a recruiter, but hire people for my dept) and this would drive me INSANE.

So: totally appropriate for here.

Do you want to change tack on how to play victim now it wasn't deleted?