Haha, I've asked so many people about this exact scenario, and people are really split, with some people getting angry at me for even asking.

Most recently, at the Venetian, I asked a dealer about it, they asked the floor, and the floor said if the tip wasn't reasonable, it wouldn't be allowed.

That's your opinion. Your wrong opinion. You have a right to it.

It's possible to do the job poorly, like most jobs, but that doesn't mean it can't be done well, with diligence, and with skills that take years to build.

Michelin star restaurants don't hire random people with the thought that it doesn't matter who they get, because it's an unskilled, menial job. And there's a spectrum on the way to that.

I don't know how to quantify compassion, but those are the workers who are now getting $20 per hour in California.

Restaurant workers aren't; only fast food workers are. The increased rate is meant to give them some parity relative to restaurant workers who get tips.

And also, I used to work at McDonald's, getting paid peanuts, so I can definitely empathise.

It's not about me. I work way less hard, and make a shit-ton more. I happen to have compassion for other people.

Minimum wage is the minimum. So many people think of it as being a reasonable maximum.

That's right, you're not expected to tip them all. You are expected to tip restaurant servers though. The system sucks, but it is the system. The tip is just part of the price. If you don't like the total price, don't eat there. You know they also add tax, and you don't get to skip that, either. Yes, I know one has the weight of law, and the other just had society calling you an arsehole.

I'm from Australia, where tax is included in the menu price, and tips are entirely optional, and, like, 2% could be a good tip, because 0% is standard. You could move to Australia if you really object to how it's done here in the US.

But $20/hour is for non-tipped fast food. The minimum wage is lower for tipped restaurants.

Have you tried living in California earning $20/hour?

I don't get why people don't name their abusers. The abusive McDonald's I worked at was run by an ex-cop called Marc Smoorenburg.

I worked in his Melbourne restaurant about 25 years ago, and I can talk about the illegal crap they pulled, because I got into a situation where corporate offered me $200 and my job back, but I'd have to sign an NDA, and I told them to screw themselves, because of the NDA.

Here's the guy: https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/rockhampton/business/mcdonalds-family-moves-to-rocky/news-story/e483af8fdf0d220fe9268cfbef89522c

You notice they also made the "minimal lane changes" button smaller? It was already annoying that you have to press it on each trip, but now it's harder to do so.

Depends on the country. Many countries, e.g. Australia, don't tax for any kind of gambling winnings.

From what I understand, the casino will presumptively withhold 30% for tax if it's over some limit, but as a non-resident, you can jump through some hoops to claim it back.

And they don't get taxed on their winnings, unlike US-based players.

These particular Trump supporters are extremely anti-America, and they probably don't even realise it, because tribalism has made them blind to their being against freedom, and for fascism.

I 3bet EP vs EP, around level 6 of an $1100 tourney, LP jammed about 40k (a starting stack), and EP rejammed about 40k. I had about 100k, and to waste a few seconds, I told them the story about how, earlier that day, in the same tourney, my friend got KK in against AA and AKs, and lost to AKs, and how I knew I was screwed. I then called with KK, and was up against AA and AA. AA held. At least I wasn't knocked out. If there was much ICM, and I didn't have a big stack, then I could imagine folding. Otherwise, no, I'm going to sadly call.

My thought on this was $10 for a hotdog was ridiculously extortionate, so I bought 2 for $20.

If I call, I usually just sit there until they table or muck (thanks to Tommy Angelo for that advice), unless I have the effective nuts, and I feel like being extra nice.

You had a read. You knew calling was the worst option. Jamming at that stack depth, where you still had fold equity, and also outs to either the nuts, or to bad top pair that could be good against overcards, seems fine to me. If he'd been playing like this, often, and others had been folding, he should be folding most of his range to that jam. If you knew for sure he was calling, then you should have folded, but you couldn't have known he'd call. For a small stack, sometimes it's worth it to just settle down an aggro player who's probably only playing that way because people keep letting them.

Dutton is a cunt, and nothing he says can be trusted.

Not the mate you're asking about, but I think there's possibly a mate with Qxh3. If the pawn takes the queen, the rook checks, then moves to h8 for mate. If the pawn doesn't take, then I think, at best, they lose their queen, and mate would follow.

If you're in engineering, move to California.

Don't forget the meeting with your parole officer.

End to end will be many months, minimum. The process after winning, when people are honest, is they pay you, you acknowledge payment, and it's done. For this guy, you don't want to know. If someone doesn't care, it will take a lot of cost and time.

You already do look like one. People who know he owes you money are watching you be too scared to confront him, and see you continue to help him transfer (launder?) money, without withholding it as repayment.


You'll probably win, and then discover that you will struggle to enforce the court order. That's if you even manage to serve him. You would have to confront him somewhere, and you're too scared to confront him, or hire a process server, which costs money.