The small changes sometimes have the greatest impact! The longing for depression might come from how much it used to feel like a part of you. It's missing now, and the emptiness can be really somber and melancholy. The cool thing about being lost is that you don't know what's coming, and if you accept and surrender to that then all these possibilities of life can be framed as truly exciting. If you don't know what to do next, it could be a good time to just relax and not worry too much about next steps. Let the change naturally come to you. The small acts of self care you're doing sound great!

I'm sorry you had a challenging trip friend. Do you feel as though you learned something valuable from the experience? Maybe that part of yourself you feel like you lost was a necessary weight to release in order to move forward into discovering new parts of yourself!

I recently moved into a new house, and after setting up all of my equipment I noticed that I was getting a pretty strong AM Radio signal on everything:

Otari mx5050 8 track tape machine, Soundtracs Solo Midi 16-8-2 console, Focusrite Clarret 8PreX, and even my bus powered Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Same radio station across the board.

All my equipment and cables are grounded and the power outlets in my house are grounded. I have tried swapping cables, microphones, headphones, adapters, power cables, and I've even tried reorganizing/rearranging power and signal cables. I've moved everything between every room in the house and no matter where I set up I'm still getting the signal. It isn't just coming in from my headphones or direct monitoring, because this radio signal is tracking onto my tape AND into my DAW.

After some research I found that I live pretty much across the street from the tower for WCRT Bott Radio Network 1160 AM. I confirmed that is indeed the station I'm hearing.

Is there anything I can do about this? The only help I've found online was the usual cable-swapping/ grounding advice, but I've already ruled those things out and this is across every piece of recording equipment I own, across every room in the house.

After crossing off a massive troubleshooting list, I have to believe it's not my equipment. Everything worked fine before I moved into this place.

Obviously I can't just move houses, is there a solution here?

You can do both! I’m in a similar situation with a 9-5 job/career, 401k, etc. and I own a van I travel in frequently. I’m fortunate enough to be able to work remotely when I’m traveling, which may or may not be an option for you, but if your job offers PTO it is 100% worth it to take a long weekend once in awhile. Hop in that van and go somewhere you’ve never been before. It has honestly become the single most fulfilling part of my life.

I’m a little late, but Friday Night in San Francisco with Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco de Lucia is a masterpiece


The absolute truth is it just takes practice, patience, and a lot of time. Starting out this stuff can seem super overwhelming, but take it in bite size pieces one at a time. Take your “I-IV-V in G major” for example. There are a few different ways you can approach this. All the notes in the G major scale (G A B C D E F#) will all be your “safe” notes. You can use this scale as a good starting place for improv, but use your ear and listen to develop taste. Practice your major, minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales in all 12 keys with a metronome. My routine as of late is cycling through the keys in 4ths (Starting with E major, then A major, then D major, etc.) You’ll get this friend, it just takes patience :) Feel free to DM me for questions if you like!

This all great insight and a lot of great information. Thanks

That is a rational explanation, thank you so much.

he put guidelines that say "white" and protesters say "black" and he's like "yeah I encourage them to do that"

Could you explain what you mean? I'm not sure I understand? And what if my "neighbor" like you mentioned isn't at risk for covid, but is at risk for losing their business or home? 50,000 dead is a horrible tragedy, but what happens if 50,000,000 lose their jobs?

Ps. I really am trying to wrap my head around all this, please don't misinterpret my comments as trying to start an argument. Thank you for your replies.

See, your comment is the root of why I posted this question. How are we supposed to know if it's too early or not? Why do you think it's too early?

TN here, watch out for those murder hornets. please stay safe!

What is most confusing to me is that Bill Gates is apparently working on a vaccine. If a vaccine is our only hope of going back to normal, why are the protesters anti Gates? Shouldn't they be the ones who would want that the most?

So will people stay in isolation until we know more about the virus? How long could that be? A week? A month? A year? Could we have to stay isolated for the rest of 2020?

I'm confused, they extended the stay at home order while opening parks? I don't understand

This is actually healthy to do. It’s a type of grounding technique.

Figure eight follow through! This is an excellent knot.


What’s going on with your rigging? That looks sketchy asf. The ds spansets aren’t taking any weight at all, look at the slack.