I love it. Now find them another hobby.

Maybe this is region specific or resolved. I am not seeing this on my Google. Tried incognito as well. Anyway, thank you for warning us about this.

Depends on your financial goals. What are your financial goals?

Software sales terminology:

SDR - Sales Development Representative (one who generates new leads for the AEs)

AE - Account Executives (basically sales reps who close sales after SDRs pass them the leads)

CRM - customer relationship management software (a platform used by teams to review sales pipeline)

Asana's strongest use case in your organisation?

We have multiple departments who I feel could benefit from implementating a centralized project collaboration platform such as Asana.

However, where should we start from?

What are some of the most critical use cases for this tool? Could you share some examples of projects or use cases where you have realised value after implementing Asana?

Those of you who work in a very hierarchical organisation and convinced your top leaders to invest in Asana, how did you do it? Thanks in advance!


Yes. However, I would use a lot more tape just to see her tear it apart.

Finally! I've always told my wife she reminds me of something when she sleeps.

Dog to cameraman: You wanna see a magic trick?

Giraffe: Ugh! The tiktokers are back

From the sound of it, no matter what you do, if your manager wants to hold a grudge or be pissed at you, they would. So why not think less and chill more?

Sign up with your email on their official website and follow them on X and Instagram.

Also, there is no space bar in the name Coldplay.

Lovely! Does anyone have a download link for the complete HD show? TIA!