Fair. But I'm not going to apologize for speaking from my heart ❤️

It's 2 days later and you're still upset about it? Lmao 😂 you know the internet points don't actually do anything for ya, right?

I don't care about your opinion on fo3's combat balancing, but I think it's hilarious you're so upset you got downvoted

Calling someone who plays a video game differently than you a loser is weird af. Like I don't know if you know this or not, but playing video games doesn't make you cool or a winner. No matter how you play them.

I want him to wrap his turgly lips around my throbbing rod.

This is... I am an adventurous man and I will eat just about anything but wow. That is... that is something else.

Yeah I had one in the second house I grew up at. Was only at that house for a couple of years though. Yes. The tree house was awesome. Only bare wood and probably super unsafe but it was awesome

This game looks awful! There were no black hobbits in the book! I don't want to fuck any of the hobbit women! They're all ugly! It's ruining my immersion! It's woke trash! Aaaaaaaaaghgh!

I've seen dog whistles in this sub a plenty but this is the first time I've seen it unabashed. Wild.

Dawg how is this oddly terrifying? It's straight up a horror game. Let's post scenes from horror movies next!

An open casting call for child robots? Tinny Tim are you thinking what in thinking!?

I agree with sekiro. Bloodbourne I haven't played yet. I also sort of understood Elden ring but mostly because I dug a lot

Haha I was just making a cheeky joke. You could argue dark souls is a story based game but damn if I can't understand 1/4 of the shit that happens lmao. I also don't listen to music but occasionally I'll put on a show or something in the background.

Yeah me neither. But we're in the dark souls sub.

hahaha dude hell yeah I also watched school of rock absolutely savage burn my dude I love jack black

People say this sub is a karma farm because it's just quotes but like 50% of my dialogue irl is futurama quotes lmao

Damn we didn't even see the finished product?? With that shirt I thought you were going to take us on a magical Glizzy making journey :(

Order! Order! The only poor people I want to hear about are the people who care for my pores at the spa!

...and the other patty will also be made of your lungs!