I did, was kept in over night, they were lovely and looked after me plus they were supportive of me doing it and said I was in the right place so they could help me detox safely. Benzos helped chill me right out, I was also on them for a few days at home. Now over 5 years sober. Don't hesitate to go to the hospital is my advice they are there to help if required

Meditation and yoga in the morning to clear my head and set my intention for the day ahead

Yep still check just took a bit to get used to the new layout

My thoughts start racing and bouncing around all over the place, dizziness, sweaty palms, racing heart, feeling like I want to jump out of my skin and run away but at the same time feel so dizzy and faint I might fall over

Helped me to understand sleep as in the stages of sleep and also how important it is to wind down at night before sleep. I also like the readiness score as to take it easy on myself or be more active

I'm reading a really good book called: chatter the voice in your head and how to harness it. I'm 2 years sober and in AA and found along with a counsellor and reading books it really turned my internal voice around. My head used to be full of 100 crazy annoying negative voices.

Thanks for the reply, I've taken 5mg tonight will decide tomorrow but pretty sure I want to get off them.

Hey how did you go? I've just started week 5 on 10mg and looking to taper off, I can't stand the anxiety and I feel totally unmotivated and can't sleep it's awful. I spoke to my doc today and she said for me to try alternate 5mg one night and 10mg the next and to give it a couple more weeks. But I'm thinking of doing a few nights of 5mg and getting off the bloody awful things.

I've just started week 5 on 10mg. My depression and outlook on life has definitely improved and my moods have balanced out but the anxiety is worse on certain days and sleep shocking and yep no motivation. It is good to have my appetite back, but feel like I just want to sit and do nothing and bit like a nervous sweaty zombie but kinda happy. I have a doc appointment today