criminal law isnt a thing but university of york is offering “law with criminology”

tbh unless you have a big love for bio, it isnt necessary as a level, but my teachers said unis like students who have a wider range of subjects. with that being said, pick what makes you happy… it will make your life 10x easier

talk to your teachers and academic advisors if you can retake them — in my school you can resit the mocks in september

4 subjects wont give you an advantage tbh. its much better to get 3 As than focus all of your time on FM trying to improve, neglecting your other subjects and getting a lower result overall.

dont make life hard for yourself

with that being said, i dont know much about finance and accounting — check if FM is a requirement for the unis youre applying, or if the unis alumni did FM.

i assume its a combination of heat, stress/anxiety of finding out where you need to go, planning it all out so u dont miss the important lectures/tours, then also walking across the entire campus to see everything and get where you need to be.

also noise and overcrowding get overstimulating

Year 13

very funky, i love it

well its true that sex is bimodal rather than binary, but at the same time keep in mind that the explanation for the distinction between sex and gender needs to be an easily understandable/explainable concept in order for people to grasp how transgenderism is even possible as a basic foothold into leftist ideas.

optics are an incredible important part of political movements, and you cant delve into these complicated details when introducing people into it. otherwise, how are you going to drag people over to your side without being able to explain/introduce ideas with more simplistic foundations?

yes, the phrase “sex is biology, gender is a social construct” is a bit reductionist but it was never meant to fully convey the complexities and philosophy behind these discussions…

this reads to me as more leftist gatekeeping (i.e, referring to the fact that OOP said they should have never given cis people the phrase) and why its so easy for the right to bring over new supporters versus the left

im gonna be dead i will literally not care if my cat eats me. bon appetit bitch

i need AAA, my gut is telling me either AAA or perhaps 2 As and an A…. i dunno, all my papers went easy but everybody else said it was easy for them as well so im a bit worried that I’ll get a bunch of Bs lol

Hello! I contacted microsoft support and everything was sorted. Thank you

Year 13

glad to help! def go through the books to add in some of your own though.

i also wanted to add to use litcharts (ask if your school has a premium account or for any other similar resources) for more key quotes selections and also good, general analysis on the key themes.

one thing ive learned a little too late is to create your flashcards when you dont have much work/exams are a month or so away (rather than being like me, creating them a week before and really regretting it because thats the time i should have been actually doing them), so keep that in mind lol

Year 13

hi! i did eng lit. my advice is to steal a bunch of critics & book quotes from quizlet, since a lot of people made the sets and they were very helpful.

use anki to memorise them though (you can import quizlet sets into anki)

stop blaming the holy spirit and take some accountability for your creepy, pervy views. a womans body doesnt exist to please a man…

well why do you need to be the most charismatic person in the room? that puts the most unnecessary pressure on yourself. you wont be able to enjoy the social situation/event at all because youre too focused on pressuring yourself to be the most charismatic one.

i have adhd as well (and im unmedicated too), and sometimes when i put the humongous expectations on myself, it completely stops me in my tracks because i get overwhelmed …

my advice for you is to just stop focusing on being the most charismatic person in the room and instead enjoy being with other, charismatic people. once you enjoy and let loose a little bit you will eventually gain confidence and social understanding.

even if you have autism, it doesnt mean you’ll be socially awkward forever. sure, youll miss some social cues but that doesnt mean you cant gain knowledge about social interaction anyway! dont condemn yourself to a fate you dont want. its like the quote, “the man who says he cant and the man who says he can are both correct.”

i understand what the numbers and colours mean i just dont know what the overall conclusion would be. why is there such a tilt in one chart and not another?

im aware.i know what the colours mean i just dont understand what the conclusion would be of both charts?

this is a laughable understanding of psychology. psychology is a pre-science —- there are absolutely ways to disprove or prove certain theories e.g., think academia & stuff like meta analysis.

“looking inside your head” is called inference and is a centuries old, outdated method of studying psychology.

the only reason why its not a science is because there is too much disparity in the methods as research and different treatments. there will be psychologists who will be looking at it through a cognitive perspective, others through social learning, biological (e.g., neurotransmitters), freudian, humanistic etc etc.

there are also many factors to account for, thus its difficult to come to conclusions about the full influence of factors (think the nature versus nurture debate).

what about the colour tilts? what does that indicate ? because the white line has a much sharper gradient for sons versus daughters so im wondering what that indicates

so what conclusions would this chart have? im having trouble understanding it

My account got hacked and the hacker bought 150 quid worth of gift cards. How can I get my money back?

Year 13

tbh the papers went easy for me but everybody else said they were easy papers too, so im super worried that im just going to do mediocre and get Bs (i need AAA) or that they will jack up the boundaries 🥲