Technically he gave consent since he was playing the part of Webweaver and consented to each successive request they made until the knife part.

Nonetheless because he's under duress the lack of consent is implied, but from the perspective of Ashley and Tek Knight he consented. They even thought they had an agreed upon safe word.

The cake fart was pretty hilarious.

But it's not just hilarious, it's dark at the same time and you are aware of the situation.

Whoever this kripke guy is, he's a piece of shit.

Irrelevant example. It would be more like if Starbucks celebrated Pride but then sponsored a pro-life organization. Instead, they are consistently mainstream progressive in their public relations.

I accepted this season had no coherent plot after the first 2 episodes. Just watching for the shock value as intended now.

Hey now give him credit, that was a snipe of a headshot.

This show will never be worthy of being in a film studies analysis.

Disagree, Hughie needs to remain in the cuck and cum guzzler role, and this episode brought him back to that finally.

But you're paying $4,000-$6,000 per month for a single room in this case. Just seems like a bad financial decision.

Wouldn't renting month to month or short term lease make more sense than staying at hotels?

It is kinda bizarre that someone can get rich from one drunken phrase clipped from a video where everything else they said was cringe as fuck.

Would be justified if this disappeared as fast as it spread in the first place.

She isn't a teacher and quit her dead end job.

The large cloud is created 15-30 feet out.

I can just picture someone panicked, in close quarters fumbling around with a giant can of bear spray that's blatantly obvious to the attacker.

Go with bear spray if you want but you better also have a knife if you're that serious about self defense.

Medical school abroad is not the same quality. So opening this policy up would directly be choosing quantity over quality. I don't agree with that.

Maximize quality and quantity by paying doctors properly, and running Alberta Health properly. Not by letting anyone be a doctor.

Coyote spray is the same as pepper spray, easier to aim, easier to conceal, and easy to get.

Shit bearpray even has a bulky safety clip, in addition to the reasons above it's really not ideal for close quarters defense with a person.

They purchase bear spray for self defence from humans? That's just plain stupid. It's useless from within 5 feet and difficult to aim without practice.

I have to think you're confusing bear spray with mace/pepper spray.

I mean goal scoring outcomes aren't independent so those numbers will all probably come down as you add more high scorers, but ya it's a reason to be optimistic nonetheless!

Do you have a citation for that from an independent research body and not from the government of Canada, whom profits from the tax?

I will say research on this is highly complex. You can say fraction of a percent because of a GoC study. Meanwhile a province removed it from one single utility only and produced a massive impact of 26%:

It was just an example, there are many different costs every year and those costs continue to go up. Of course they're budgeted for already but the budget has to continue being increased to cover the ad hoc maintenance year over year.

Tip your landlord!

Cost for maintenance and repairs of homes has doubled in some industries. My roof quote went from $6,000 to $10,000 in a single year.

How do you think landlords make up for those costs?