Any convenience store or drugstore on the strip, like Walgreens or something. You should have one within a 10-15 mins walk if you are on strip.

considering most used car lots dont give you any warranty, yes lol

Man thatd be amazing. I remember Zelos did a FB group special edition watch. But Seiko is probs nowhere nearly as responsive to a small group of social media users as Zelos.

You are right. Is there a real benefit increase between 3 seconds and 30 seconds, or 3 minutes? Probs not. But BBP does it in 3 seconds and there's no downside to that. I think the comparison is more against those machines that needs 20 plus mins to heat up properly

not first time but gives me a headache every time lol

He's cheating.

And are you on Adderall while playing? My head hurts just watching this clip lol.

You sure it was just a day off? Not a day when your wife left you? 🤣

As is this team CAN be competitive for playoffs, but not close to being a favorite to make it to the finals.

And I want Emma Watson looking at me lovingly in the morning in my bed.

Yeah I'm there with most of that. I use Lavazza in my Jura and I buy whatever interesting/fresh/local for my BBP and Niche combo. I think its the milk drink part makes most of the subtleties go away.

Ha just Googled it, what an interesting concept. If they can make it less goofy looking I can see my self getting a couple.

I think for trade in at least in the US it can't be blacklisted. How strictly they enforce that I dont know.

Yeah I wish I had a more refined palate for sure. Also doesnt help that I mostly drink milk drinks, so its all getting drowned in milk or oat milk anyway. I'm just happy I can taste the difference between my BBP iced latte vs my Jura Z10 iced latte haha.

No worries. Now Im interested in this "home proof your child" concept, tell me more lol. I have 2 under 2 and its.... difficult keeping them alive haha.

You aren't understanding my point. I don't care about lawns. I care about rules and regulations that actually make a difference.

No it does not, just the thermalcoils inside the machine. If inclined you can run an empty shot through the portafilter to heat it up. I for one cannot taste the difference between a preheated portafilter and a cold portafilter most of the time, so I don't bother with it.

I don't doubt you love yours and it works great, and Ooni does have a solid following and reputation. But I think for the general public buying a pizza oven for what they cost is overkill for the amount of pizza an average joe consumes. You will have make so many pizzas before breaking even, not to mention you do still have to cook it yourself.

Also nothing about Ooni suggest they are BIFL, they are not old enough of a company to have that kind of reputation.