Makeup Artist

My little one used to get it all the time because of daycare and what they charge for those eye drops is CRIMINAL

Makeup Artist

This part because are people NOT closing the lid before flushing????!!

Makeup Artist

Being broke is bad enough...broke WITH pink eye and a severe case of dermatitis is just a step too far 😭

Into a lil mullet, very on trend of her!! Next time tell her to do a wolf cut or some curtain bangs

Makeup Artist

I have the Nyx brow glue and I second the recommendation, it's fantastic and beyond your wedding day, one tube lasts FOREVER so it's a great value

The Backstreet Boys are all straight and had millions of women trying to throw themselves at them

Never having felt desired in your life is a poor excuse for taking out your frustration on others but if you must do it at least do it well

Whether or not OP can afford it, that's the solution to the issue. If OP can't afford surgery then they also can't afford to waste money on bullshit DIY solutions that won't work

A dresser would solve almost all of your problems. Cleaning up after yourself would solve the rest

All I see are normal pores

You have chronic acne, you absolutely SHOULD talk to a dermatologist first.

Also using undiluted tea tree oil directly on your skin can cause irritation, inflammation, dryness, and redness.

I don't know how but I seriously hope that they get the life they deserve 😤

Beany is an angel and I'm the lucky one tbh


Suggestions for what???? Your skin is fine

Well tell that to Vermeer who made a mediocre career painting small portraits, scenes of daily life, and local landscapes as commissions for the middle class in his area. Painting things as they were, in the style of the time. Nothing subversive. Things to hang in the drawing room. It took over 200 years for his work to even gain any sort of notice or attention

There's absolutely room for self expression and beauty even within the confines of conformity


This is a fashion subreddit

If you are unable or unwilling to contextualize fabric choice and cut from different points of view (in this case a bunch of lawyers at a relatively casual work event) then I'm not sure why you're interested in the topic

It's a metallic blue strapless mini dress. It's club wear.

On the journey

This pic is not enough for colour analysis but I think you'll end up a summer

Aww bless you spicy lil Mustard. This is my Beany, she was also adopted out of a terrible situation. She had been adopted and dumped back at the shelter THREE times before I got to her and I have a feeling at least one of the households hit her regularly. She was also pretty spicy at first, nipped and swatted out of nowhere. But like you and Mustard I knew there was an amazing cat in there. I was totally right, we've had her for like 6 years now and it took about 6 months for her to really start feeling secure enough to trust us. Now she is the cuddliest, baby-iest, sweetheart in the whole world. In the picture it's hard to tell but we're lying down, she's the little spoon and using my arm as a headrest.

Trust the process!!


I don't have personal experience to share with you as I'm also pre-op myself but just a suggestion...

Since you're getting your reduction for practical and physical comfort reasons and not so much aesthetic ones think about how the breast tissue and fat under your arms and around your sides FEELS to you. Is it comfortable? Does it also get sweaty/itchy? Does it cause your arms to sit further away from your body and is that a negative or positive feeling for you? Would you miss it?

Just food for thought, good luck on your journey 🌼

SO annoying🥴

My texture is closer to 3c so what works for each of us might differ but currently I get pretty long lasting results from twist outs that are braided at the root. I get decent length too. I wear them in the twists for two days and can usually get two days twisted out and two or three with it worn up in a bun

But for how long?? Things need time to work

I would totally be for similar reasons to you but I live in a really humid city and every time I straighten my hair it only looks good for like 2 days. Can't win!!