You could get it damp/or condition it and try to reshape it back to normal, but honestly I’d say just wear it as is

Username checks out

I remember on a rail also being pretty confusing layout wise. Iirc I eventually forgoed the tram and went on foot, but I can’t remember if that worked or if I had to get the tram to progress

You’ll save more in the long run if you budget for a decent quality pair of boots. Look into cheaper brands like Thursday boots. Their flagship model “captain” is just 30 dollars out of your price range and the soles lasted approx 4 years before needing to be resoled which is like 50 bucks. Unfortunately pay more now, but pay half of what you are paying for sneakers in the long run and get more utility and comfort to boot, pun intended. Second hand is always an option, just be wary to buy a pair that’s actually worth buying instead of the first “leather” boots you see at a thrift store.

Calling someone else ignorant while in fact being the ignorant one is hilarious. Wife beater is a colloquial term for the shirt the skin has on

Pretty sure the NBA is huge in China

Sushi is my favorite food so this is an easy choice for me. burgers are also one of my favorite foods, definitely top 5 but imho McDonald’s is almost never worth it. Insanely overpriced for what you are getting. Sometimes I’ll get a 1/4er from mickeyDs and it hits pretty good but probably only because it’s 3am and I’m stoned but realizing how much it cost for what I got always leaves me disappointed. Tangentially related I went to Qdoba the other day and spent like 15 bucks on a burrito and drink and the burrito was the dinkiest little thing I’d ever seen, like half the size of what I remembered. I maybe would’ve taken McDonald’s over that

I go McDonald’s if I feel like getting robbed for the most subpar sandwich possible

Is it a texture/flavor thing?

I am sorry for being pedantic, but it has only been summer for 5 days

I have a feeling he smokes way less nowadays and just keeps with the stoner thing since it’s a huge part of his brand. He could also still blow down everyday idk but he sometimes seems way too spry for someone who is supposedly doing that

I’ll smoke sometimes and skateboard, here is my perspective. I skate and do tricks perfectly fine sober but smoking a little bit of the right kind of pot helps reduce performance anxiety and outside stimulation letting you lock in and enter a flow state. It’s great while skating around on my own but I wouldn’t want to be stoned for a competition or anything like that.


You should check out demolition ranch also. He collabs with Kentucky ballistics but isn’t really politically motivated (besides the generic America fuck yeah attitude). I’ve been watching Matt at demo ranch for years though and have never really gotten the ick. I get what you mean though it’s hard to find gun tubers that don’t make like horrible transphobic jokes and shit like that right out the gate (looking at you Edwin sarkissian, dude comes off as a massive homo/trans phobe)

Edit: Brandon does appear in some demo ranch videos, but so does Kentucky ballistics

Gross man. Clean up after yourself

He’s the surgeon not the patient.

Edit :Though you’re right about waiting until after if you are the patient. When I got surgery a few years ago it was awesome lying in bed smoking weed and taking extra strength Tylenol for a few days

No fossil fuels were burned during the original assembly of Stonehenge

The peace sign is the flag symbols for N and D superimposed onto one another standing for nuclear disarmament. You would just need to make the vertical line go to the very bottom of the circle to complete it

Guess you should hire a corporate death squad to take care of your friend

There’s no way I’m not getting even slightly tipsy without the need to enter the water becoming my first and foremost thought

Sometimes I could really fuck up some bacon especially with eggs but other times the smell is so insanely repulsive that I can’t stand to be near it. A lot of pork products do this for me