One star pengu is my favourite skin. The cardboard sword is so cute

Water, air, rock, lighting for first play through Air, water, lighting, rock for second

I got it once was fun. Did heavenly lvl5 reroll. Dont think ill take the trait again.

:Sansa_Stark: Sansa Stark

As soon as bobby died i would have gotten the fuck out of the city

Machete is a beautiful girls name

Armour dont do shit to 1k true damage

I was born 2 years after my brother and he is still the closest person in my life 21 years later despite the 2 year age gap. They will bond as little kids they dont need to be twins

Yea that is essentially the reason i first started playing her

:Sansa_Stark: Sansa Stark

Thought stannis had marched on winterfell in the books

:Sansa_Stark: Sansa Stark

Did book stannis burn his own daughter as well?

Wait the sheep attack? Ive had one fight where they had a debuff circle around them but never had them hit me

I think its a game of cool concepts just needed more time being developed into full ideas before being made to a game.

Doesnt help that coming into the game i was gonna compare its combat to sekiro, which imo is the best parry based combat game

I got it on ps5. Is alright. A sale is the best way to go. Definitely a decent £30 experience wouldnt want to pay more then that

If supergiant are smart they will be browsing the reddit as well

Thats all i can say really without spoilers so if you cant figure it out with that then that means youve probably missed some stuff around the map

What new skills have you developed or tricks discovered in order for you to explore this new virtual world?

Lol. Its probably because she didnt make any movement inputs and riot probably only look at movement for if someone is afk or not

My first win was an insane wombo combo. I took the sister blades and got the boon that increased my omega attack at the cost of 20 additional cost. Then from that i got the boon from the loce goddess that spawned a heart throb every time i used 30 mana This was already and insane combo and for the first two stages i was oneshotting most enemies but then i needed a mana gen boon as arcane mana gen was just too low so i took appollos mana gen boon which meant i was able to roll for the perfect duo boon for my build which spawned 2 extra heartthrobs when i spawn one. So on every omega attack i was doing a shit ton of damage as the heartthrobs were proct the frame they were created which did just oneshot everything up until chronos. Where i chuncked the fuck out of him. Such a fun build