Just tell each person who asks a different story

Yea i overcomplicated it. I meant "like" as a way of expressing attractiveness to someone, not in a way of accepting someone.

My older brother was alive. Other than that my childhood was shit and im glad im an adult on my own, creating my life with my husband.

Soul Eater

Sword Art Online

Black Butler

Your Lie in April


Food Wars



"You dont like/date trans people?? Youre transphobic!!"

I see this one way too often. Literal brain rot.

Edit: yea it looks bad, i overcomplicated my statement. I used "like" as a way of expressing interest or being attracted to someone, not in a way youd use to express you enjoy someone in a platonic way. My bad...

The same energy has always been shown to skinny people. I feel like models are at the top of the list for getting heat about their unhealthy lifestyle/diet to fit the part and always being shamed for it too.

To say one side or the other doesnt get heat just cause you havent seen it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Theres a trillion million people on this planet and a billion more who have a lot of time to hate on whoever for whatever reason. Anything is possible.


"Harold, why are you late for work?!" "I was just really enjoying the scenery on my commute so i figured id take my time while i deep throat this lollipop here."

It is incredibly embarrasing but maybe just remind her that youre still very much in love with her and attracted to her. Be detailed in what exactly youre attracted to about her. Be honest, tell her you didnt think it would impact her that bad since youd want her to let you know if you had BO. Definitely saying her titties smelled like something specific was a horrible move, take a mental note, dont do that again.

A mesh, crop over layer. Opens in the front but you can tie it to fit to your body. Fitting on the arm and loose and flowey around the wrist and hand.

Ray LaMontagne - Empty

There's a lot of things that can kill a man There's a lot of ways to die Yes and some already dead who walk beside me There's a lot of things I don't understand Why so many people lie Well it's the hurt I hide that fuels the fire inside me

Will i always feel this way So empty, so estranged

Been married for two years, together with my husband for 5 years in total. I was terrified to get married but i went with it cause my husband showed me exactly how i needed to be loved and cared for. In my situation i was very concerned about his habits, we dont view cleaniness the same and that was a battle we fought many and several times.

Its not sunshine and rainbows, youre not always going to like each other but at the end of the day you choose each other. Whenever me and my husband have an argument or a pretty bad fight, we always tell each other "i love you more than this"

Sex is important. Both parties are not always going to be in the mood but have an understanding and make time for it. It relieves stress and its an intamacy that is needed. Never stop flirting with each other.

A very important rule in a relationship/marriage is to never ever talk bad about your partner to anyone. If you have an issue about your partner, bring it to their attention when youve taken time to analyze the situation and understand where you stand with your emotions on the matter. Its you two against the world.

Marriage is beautiful and so much can come of it. Theres security in it and so many people take the sanctity of a marriage for granted. They dont know what they have till they lost it.

I wish you all the best and pray for a successful life long marriage for you two.

What even is an adult. Im just a taller human that has to pay bills 😂

Personally i have a thing about plainly not listening to my husband; he tells me what he wants and then ill get way too excited and think i can do him one better and get him something that i think he would like, but then he gets disappointed cause i completely ignored what he wanted. Its out of good intentions but i definitely need to calm down and just do what he asks of me.

My husband is a foodie so he enjoys when i cook him his favorite meals or when i try to cook different things for him to try.

✨️ Never stop giving your man compliments ✨️ always let him know hes the only girl in the world for you.

Dont get bored in the bedroom. Ask him what he would want to try and if you dont agree with it, dont shame him for it, dont go "eww" cause thats a quick way for a man to never open up to you again. Just doing something simple like having sex infront a mirror could spice it up. Never stop flirting with him. Ask him what he likes, how he likes it, when he likes it and tell him what you like that he does.

Dont shame him for things that he likes, again thats a quick way for him to never open up to you again. Same with his emotions. Hes human, hes going to cry and hes going to have his low points. Always be there for him.

Never ever talk badly about your husband to family or friends. Its you two against the world. If you have a problem with him, take time to analyze the situation and your emotions and bring it to his attention.

My husband said "i love your cooking, eating your food is the best. The sex is pretty bomb too. Theres so much... youre just my best friend, youre who i love to spend my time with."

NTA. You should look into therapy though. Every relationship my husband was in before me cheated on him. He also has trouble with his libido, but i know its from the abuse women has caused him over the years. He really doesnt have any interest in sex, and when i am wanting to have sex and hes not in the mood he does feel guilty and he apologizes. Sometimes i do have to put extra effort in to get the mood going.

Its never okay to threaten the sanctity of your relationship because your needs aren't met in that moment. If the relationship meant something then there would be more understanding and compassion. I understand it gets rough going without sex for sometime and you just want to feel that connection with your partner but to turn around and throw threats like that. That's not love, respect or trust.

I believe you need to have a conversation with her saying that if sex means more than your relationship she can leave. If not then she needs to straighten up, apologize and there needs to be more respect for you and your guys relationship.

I feel the same for "cis woman/women". Its just woman/women.

Talk to someone about the toxicity youre experiencing in your marriage. My mom was in an on and off relationship with my dad who was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive to her. She kept going back to him cause thats all she knew. She'd talk to her family, mainly her mom, about it and theyd keep telling her to get away. She managed to get a trailer home for her and us three kids, she worked and went to school to be a hairdresser. Thats all she did. It was really hard and us kids missed her, but that was the strongest i ever seen my mother. Sucks she threw it away to go back to him..

If you want to get out, it is possible. I dont know how but if theres a will, theres a way. But let someone know whats going on. Keep all your receipts so you have proof of your innocense. If your family is no help, call a friend, if your friend is no help, find out agencies around who might be able to help.

Let your emotions out. Cry it out. But you gotta survive. Keep fighting. You deserve more than this.

Tv babiesAdvice
Moderator removed post

My husband doesn't view a clean or messy space the same way i do. The house could be trashed with dishes pilled up and clothes all over the place and he'd be fine. This frustrated me as well for so long and we had years of arguments on it. We tried to split up the chores and hed try but it wouldnt last long. I had to come to an understanding that he doesnt have the sane view as i do. I have to constantly ask him to do specific chores (can you take out the trash?, can you sweep?, can you take care of the baby?) He wont just do it on his own merit... Instead of coming at him frustrated that he doesnt do these things, one day I asked him WHY he doesnt do these things. He has a lot of trauma from his mother around cleaning, a lot of physical and mental abuse. And we established that he cant use that as a crutch. At the end of the day he'll help me clean, i just have to point it out to him and he'll do it.

Your husband absolutely avoiding the trash is crazy. But idk, maybe thats his normal. Try having the conversation from a different angle. Pick his brain about it. Ive read that dividing the chores/house duties is close to the number 1 reason marriages fail. Dont become that statistic.

I was just talking about this. People who need to make it known the good deeds they did in a day and how nice they are to people and all I want to say is "didnt ask"