Quranist :quran:

This is what happens when you follow hadiths, you got confused with insubstantial things.

If he was a totally living-for-the-moment, don’t think too much and just act, kind of guy

He does this quite often, especially when it comes to his own safety, he just don't stop and reflect if what he's doing will actually help the situation or making it worse.

Read the Qur'an for yourself. I'm sure about what I believe, you have to find it for yourself.

You're following Islam for yourself, not for someone else. Do what you can, stop comparing with someone else or worse, listening to negative comments from someone else. What matters is between you and your relationship with Allah.

Quranist :quran:

Thank you. I open this subreddit and the posts are just is this haram, is that haram? Doh!

To all users here, if it's not specified as haram in Qur'an, then it's halal or at least neutral. The main point is to not be excessive, eating beef is halal, but it's not good if you eat it excessively, hearing/playing music is halal, but it's not good if it becomes the only thing that you care in your life. Use your brain, learn science and read Qur'an, insyaallah you will become a better muslim.

Meh, I try selling my car and people keep asking at least 8k below the market price, and one even has the audacity to ask 10k below the price. I can go at least 3k lower, but not that low.

Do you list this based on recommendation? I saw some movies that you gave low rating but high on the list.

Quranist :quran:

Because we use our brains and think for ourselves.

Just because majority said so, it doesn't make it right.

I think I've been here, lumayan enak makanannya

Well, you should keep going strong and cut your chat with your partner until you're independent. It's unfortunately the safest way.

See this from another side, your mom knows, and the world is still going on. You should live your life the way you want it to be, not based on what other people tell you to do.

I don't know your living situation, if you're independent, then talk with your mother, and if things go wrong, you should get out of that situation. If you're not independent, then deny deny deny. Wait until you become independent to have the talk.

Eddy is an ally, lol

But IMO, Eddie is definitely not straight, right now my bet is that he's gay demisexual.

Chim's bachelor party (7x06), when Buck said Tommy was not his date and that night was about Chimney, and Eddie replied "But his wedding is about you!?" knowing for a fact that Tommy was invited by Buck to the wedding where a lot of people there wouldn't know that he is bi.

I haven't heard of this theory before.

My problem with the pairing is that they need more screen time, please. How about that flying lesson and muay thai, come on, so many opportunities, heck, show them doing a grocery scene.

And make the story consistent, Tommy and Eddie are supposed to be friends who clicked, but their interactions after 7x05 do not show it at all.


I like metal, but I can't stand songs that last more than 5 minutes.


No one, traditionalists think it's a part of Jihad.

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