I just bring rail strike to deal with chargers

I teamed with randoms and before it started I asked if we could do it. I used the shorter pelican timer and a bunch of barrages

I just sent a message and asked the people if we could do it on an eradicate mission. So it doesn’t hurt to ask!

I had one a few games ago and the moron walked into a mine 😂

I thought it had to be at 5 difficulty

I suck at bots 😂 what gun do you recommend to shoot the arms off? I’ve tried a few but it seems to take way to many shots then they just die

One more achievement Discussion

I just need the shoot the arms off a hulk achievement then I’ll get my first platinum for a game. It’s just such a pain in the ass

I’m bummed because I’ve been maxed on samples forever but it means nothing

Just get your medals and samples to the cap

For the longest time I didn’t realize there were difficulties and I was just playing on easy or something

Where’d you bring it? 🥁 just kidding welcome aboard diver

I’m on a hiatus right now. I’ve just been playing PGA and some XDefiant

All good haha it was just one of those things I’ve seen so many times

They’ll never learn haha

Looks like no one decided to do the major order after Hellmire so we may be cooked

It’s been posted about 50 times


Uh so after we take Hellmire in a couple hours I think we need to defend Fori for the major order? If we lose that aren’t we boned?

81% on Fori haha that’s gotta be the highest percentage I’ve ever seen

Being just terrible vs inexperienced is my line haha I’ve played with level 5’s that died maybe once and on the other hand I’ve played with level 90’s who seem like they can’t wipe their own ass 😂