imo the emails are supposed to be exploratory. to find out more about a lab. id say email away. theres no commitment attached to it, just like they cant guarantee you a spot in their lab

half a million in over time pay for cops and firefighters but no raises for teachersā€¦ jfc

from what i can tell columbia masters programs are not super selective because they make a lot of money on them. i think youā€™re probably fine

bro i was that kid, the kids and some staff even are mean dude! i played sports and the shit that was said to me by both coaches and my peers (sometimes in confidence because they werenā€™t sure of my sexuality) was brutal

as a gay man who graduated from OUSD in the 2010ā€™s and have only watched it get more partisan, do not choose OUSD. anaheim hills and yorba linda are awful for gay people

god i would hate to be famous. pretending to be nice to men who play guitar would be my evil backstory

i had an ipod shuffle, then a pay-per-minute flip phone for emergencies, then an ipod-touch by middle school, didnt have an iphone until highschool lol

ive known quite a few people that have gone to prestigious grad engineering schools. honestly theyre all pretty different with awards and achievements, but what they all have in common is that they have like 3-4 years of research experience and/or weā€™re funded by an outside fellowship. with strong letters of recommendation from the professors they did research with. i will say though that the undergrad most come from is very well known for engineering and these schools often recruit from it.

i dont want to discourage you, but if you adjusted so poorly and did so poorly in undergrad, why do you think grad school will be meaningfully different? like if its something you dont enjoy, why why do it for another X number of years? especially given how notorious bad mental health is in academia? im genuinely curious

an online education, where you donā€™t really interact with professors, dont really interact with peers, you dont physically build community. i wont get into if the quality of education is the same (many would argue that its not) but the overall connections you make will not be. iā€™ve always seen online masters as the more affordable option for people that need the degree on their resume for a job and need flexibility. but to pay the same price for an online degree that you would probably pay for an in-person degree thats supposed to be more rigorous and personal feels like a cash grab

i would not pay that much for any online degree, but really thats just my personal preference.

thats like the point of my comment, i dont think its top 20, i think they also just included a sampling of the least mentioned red flags. like you could find 1% of people that hate volunteer firefighters, 1% is very small and depending on their N values, could literally be a single person. like clearly this is not all of the answers, they have chosen answers to show something, thats the point of infographics, that doesnt mean what they showed is ā€œthe top xā€

bro, do not do it. that is a horrible mistake. try any other lender, 15% is crazy and sallie mae is super predatory

because mudd is such a small school, and the applicant pool is so self selecting, admissions at mudd is more about a holistic fit. this is true for a lot of LACs. even if you have perfect stats, they really do care about personality, focus, and ā€œfitā€ which involves creating a well rounded class of students. i think making sure your values and eagerness to learn stands out in your application is most important. about a third of students are admitted with no test scores the last i heard. i think if everything in your app is great, you can probably do without your SAT. source: i used to work in admissions when i was a student

this is exactly why im applying this fall, robotics jobs require phds to do serious interesting work. do you mind if i ask you about your research and overall experience in academia?

i think the point of the last like 7 were to show that very few people see those as red flags in contrast to the first 10. im not really concerned that 1% of people think reading is bad, especially considering how large the idiot population isā€¦

i just got back from europe for vacation and this is so glaringly true. hs students wearing american ivy fashion, all american music, american themed food, i saw so many people wearing band merch from american bands, i saw so many hats that had either American baseball teams or hats that said LA or NYC. american culture is definitely dominating European youth

i would go boulder because pf cost, but also its a much nicer place to live and i think ranked higher (i could be wrong)?

i guess a small caveat is that im gay. so i think theres less of an incel attitude since gay men arent typically accepted in those spaces.

the schools are busy just tryna get people to read šŸ˜­ they dont have time to stop cyber bullying when the kid cant even spell