Did you drive it on a bike trail?

Edwards Bass/Getzen Custom Reserve 4047DS

1975 was not necessarily a good year for that horn. Thatā€™s not to say theyā€™re all junk; there are certainly good horns from that era. But as a whole, the quality of horns during the ā€˜70s dropped significantly from what they were in the ā€˜50s and ā€˜60s. Then they got better in the ā€˜90s.

Edwards Bass/Getzen Custom Reserve 4047DS

Requiring everyone to have the same mouthpiece is stupid. Thatā€™s like requiring everyone on a basketball team to wear the same size shoe.

Just guys being guys, amirite?

That man should consider running for president someday when heā€™s old enough.

The Democratic Party has to take some responsibility for this. They could have gotten behind a candidate who doesnā€™t suck. Bernie would have beaten Trump in 2016 by a landslide, but it was Hillaryā€™s ā€œturn.ā€ Biden could have walked away from a fairly successful first term, and there are several candidates who could have beaten Trump. Heā€™s pretty unpopular. But here we are.

There have been three nuclear cargo vessels built. One of them (Russian) is still in service. They were not very efficient, but only because they were built before the days of Super Cargo ships. Fission powered cargo ships would be very achievable.

Wait - so I can drop trou and take a steamy shit on the drug needles in the street, but I can't eat a sandwich on a BART platform? Where the fuck are these cops' priorities?

Edwards Bass/Getzen Custom Reserve 4047DS

Settling the stomach?!? I got a hangover just looking at this picture!

While I thoroughly disagree with your conclusion, I appreciate the amount of time and consideration you spent trying to explain your view. I upvoted your comment, because you seem genuine. What I just canā€™t wrap my head around is this: the whole notion of science isnā€™t about trusting scientists. I donā€™t trust them because science isnā€™t about trust. Itā€™s about observation.

I have an equatorial mount telescope at my house. I can go in my back yard, set up the telescope, point the mount at Polaris, and it will follow the stars throughout the night perfectly. While itā€™s doing this, I can observe it rotating around its axis, which is lined up with then earthā€™s axis. I can (and have) take my telescope to Florida, and because I am at a lower latitude, I will have to point it lower in the sky. Again, it will track the night stars perfectly, without adjustment. Whatā€™s more, I can see that it is pointed at the same location all night. The only reason this works is because the mount is lined up with the axis of rotation of the Earth. In a sense, the telescope is standing still, and I can watch the Earth revolve around that same axis. Most importantly, it is absolutely impossible for that telescope to track the stars in the flat Earth model. There is no way to explain that fact, unless the Earth is (roughly) spherical.

I didnā€™t ask a scientist about this - it is observable with my own eyes, and there is categorically no possible way the model of the Earth is anything other than round. Even if the stars rotated around a flat Earth, there is no way to explain why I have to adjust the angle of the telescope at lower latitudes. Indeed, you can even set up this telescope at the equator, and it will be perfectly perpendicular to the ground.

So I can appreciate the skepticism. I think we should always endeavor to look at things beyond face value, and question what we are told. What I canā€™t understand is sticking with that belief despite clearly observable and irrefutable evidence that the conclusion is wrong.

He could kill off many of the natives of Sentinel Island, because they do not have immunity to our common diseases. His death would be a tragedy, but not for us.

I've been a huge fan of Bernie since 2016. (And honestly, before) I also really like Liz Warren, and I would absolutely love for either of them to step in as the nominee. (If Biden can check his ego and do what is clearly the right thing for the country.) I would happily vote for AOC in a heartbeat. I don't really like Buttigeg, but if he wound up getting the nomination, I would put a Mayor Pete sign in my yard. I just want to make sure to maximize the chance of defeating Trump. I'm not a liberal, nor am I a Democrat. But any sane person knows that if Trump is elected, things are going to get really bad for the country. I get nervous when people say "This person could easily beat Trump." It's not going to be easy. He has a highly motivated fanbase, and if Biden steps down, (Please Biden - Step down!) I don't want people opposed to Trump to think it's going to be easy street. Complacency is what got Trump elected in the first place, and his presidency was historically bad for the country.

John Oliver wasn't born in the US and therefore ineligible, and Bill Maher is an absolute psycho. He would be a terrible president, because all he knows how to do is piss people off. (It's why he is entertaining.) You don't need to win a primary race to be eligible, and if that's the only yardstick we're using to measure, then *nobody* can run in November but Biden.

And listen: I would vote for an untrained monkey if it were running against Trump. I sincerely think that man is dangerous to our freedoms, our democracy, and to our country. But I really wish the DNC would think outside the box and figure out an elegant way for Biden to bow out - sooner rather than later - because I think he's going to have a *really* difficult time winning.

Donā€™t worry - if Trump wins, the DNC will probably go away. Just not in the way youā€™re thinking.

None of those people would ā€œeasilyā€ win the presidency. Bernie is old. (Even though heā€™s sharp.) People hate Warren for some reason. (Even though she would be a great president - itā€™s probably her lady parts, sadly) AOC is a conservative boogeyman, and a lot of liberals donā€™t like her. (Although, again, I think sheā€™s more than qualified and would be a good president.)

Iā€™m not saying it couldnā€™t be done, but you should watch using the word ā€œeasily.ā€ Itā€™s going to be an uphill battle no matter what.

Two words: Jon Stewart.

Hear me out. I know heā€™s been incredibly vocal about having no desire to be president, but thatā€™s exactly what we need right now. Someone who doesnā€™t want the job. Remember, George Washington was very vocal about not wanting to be President, and he was one of the best weā€™ve ever had. Stewart has name recognition, he clearly knows politics, heā€™s charismatic and an excellent debater. He would absolutely destroy Trump in the election.

So the plan is this: we get together and find out where Jon Stewart lives. Sit outside his apartment all night blasting terrible music until he agrees to run for president. Itā€™s a flawless plan!

Edwards Bass/Getzen Custom Reserve 4047DS

Donā€™t waste your time trying to memorize those and figure out which note of the chord youā€™re playing. Just listen. Trombones have a convenient tuning slide literally at our fingertips.

Itā€™s a Predator!