You don't need to reply as I'm done. Old Navy was the least of it but enjoy suing like you want to or wanted to. The dressing rooms very clearly warn you not to get fully nude as they have for years and it would be very weird to do it anyway but it's convenient for your story. Have fun yelling and trying to get something out of them for your "fully nude" experience.

Sometimes when I'm waiting for something I have time to waste. That guy who pointed out your inconsistencies piqued my interest that your story was sus and maybe you're looking for a payout. All you have to do is press posts and they're the most recent post titles.

I'm not judging you on your purchases. People who are careful with their money do buy vintage watches in New York City, why not. And may buy an expensive (these days) new car. And shop at fashion forward stores, Old Navy's not one of them. No one buys a grad dress at Old Navy unless they're poor and desperate.

Most people don't immediately explore lawsuits and contacting nationwide company employees or whatever especially after they claim they got "fully nude" in a unisex change room area.

Who gets fully nude in a change room? We're very clearly warned not to, in the change rooms themselves (and have been for years), even though women aren't stupid enough to need a warning. And in a unisex change area?! Lol. Sorry, no one is that weird. (Edit: area)

And I like to weave in and out of traffic to try to keep my attention on the road because of my ADHD that I don't bother to deal with.

(Most people with ADHD can probably control themselves on the road.)

Now that you mention it, this thing sounds pretty sus. Besides the conflicting story, she said she was fully nude and she wants to sue them for having a unisex change room without proper camera surveillance (in the Legal Advice Canada sub). What woman ever gets fully nude in a change room? They always tell you not to. Especially when it's in an overall unisex change area.

She also says it was Old Navy and she was shopping for graduation dresses. Her previous posts before the legal advice one were about shopping for vintage womens watches in New York City, and how she got a 2023 Rav4 Hybrid last year. But she's buying a graduation dress at Old Navy. Ok. (Edit: detail)

Exactly. The military did nothing wrong but the Minister of Defence did. I wonder how we can hold him responsible, even if it wasn't illegal. A routine Tsk tsk wouldn't seem sufficient.

Over people who worked with us and helped us? And passport-carrying Canadians. WTF.

Why would people in those war torn circumstances feel compelled to loyally help us, often at cost to themselves, if we're going to abandon them so we could save people who haven't helped us and have no ties to us except the same tribe as a politician. (Edit: Canadians)

Society expects women to suck it up like when they're taking care of the family, but this is no excuse for medical professionals. Unconscious bias and expectations become baked into the system. And often disrespectful behaviour.

It's hurtful and infuriating but women need to not take it personally when their health is on the line. They need to advocate for themselves but that's easier said then done when you're in a lot of pain and haven't been taken seriously!

I'd recommend reading Sidelined: How Women Can Navigate a Broken Healthcare System by Susan Salenger.

Those elements are all true. Our infrastructure wasn't being maintained. Our health care systems were overburdened and not maintained. Affordable housing wasn't a priority. There was no enticement or percentage requirements by any governments to get some built.

But you're underselling how much the country has been devastated by the government flooding the country with the low skilled labour of immigrants, international students (who were allowed to work off campus), and temporary workers.

How almost overnight the make up of our communities has visibly changed and the diverse employees we used to see all the time are all gone. Replaced by a homogenous, non-diverse workforce. And how it feels to be gaslit and also told we're racist for having any feelings about this.

We can't pretend that flooding our housing market, health care system, and low skilled job market with massive amounts of people doesn't have us on our knees.

The only people who aren't furious or devastated by this have privilege. They're land owners, have a safe profession (so far). Don't have children who can't apply to many educational institutions because the learning environment has been cheapened and the diplomas have been made worthless or less valuable. Don't have children trying to save for education and can't get a job. Don't have children who can't afford to live on their own and have to continue living in their parents' home. Don't have children who they have to help financially support in some way.

There are a lot of people who don't have the privilege to not be devastated by how the country is being mistreated, including immigrants who have come a short time ago or quite a while ago. They worked hard to get here and they're disgusted with how being an immigrant has been cheapened.

You're posing as a progressive and you're trying to push post-national extremism. How convenient that you make us look very, very bad while promoting what only benefits corporations and billionaires.

You probably claim the Century Initative is exactly the plan we need to deal with the dwindling birthrate.

This country is still a country. That means the people who live here are citizens and people who are citizens of other countries are not owed citizenship here. That means we can choose who we want to live here. That means we can evaluate if they can abide by our charter of Rights and if they can, maybe we'll take them, and if they can't abide by our Charter of Rights, good luck finding a place that aligns with their views more.

So stop posing, you don't want to welcome people who appreciate our Charter of Rights, you want to use whataboutism for excuses for why we should let anyone in, whether they have any respect for our Charter of Rights or not. Bizarre or coldly self-interested. Gross.


not going to give you further engagement but obviously people are going to cry racism and xenophobia and "don't blame immigrants" (never did that) when anyone says maybe we should build up our infrastructure and choose who we want to bring into our country who respect our Charter of Rights, as well as match them to the skills we actually need filled.

But people who benefit from having unskilled labour want to continue flooding the country with people who they can profit from. Keep pretending people are racist. Lol. That used to work because people were so afraid of being accused of racism. But it's not true for most people and they see through that cheap tactic now. Bullshit doesn't work anymore.

Right. There's so much hysteria being pumped on this post that what's happening is terrible but we can't do any value testing because progressives won't allow it.

Progressive: I'll allow it Them: No. No one will agree on what to use. Progressive: we can start with the Charter of Rights Them: No. It's too late!!! Suggests hysterical future that is unavoidable.

I think there are a lot of bots and trolls here.

Is this something that was in the news or you have experience with because I've never heard of this.

Sure let's write some science fiction (edit: and have some thought police. If someone commits a crime there are already laws for that.)

We're trying to figure out who to let in to our country who will be good for our country, or at the very least not be bad for it. This is something under our control.

You talk like people who already live here have no more right to live here than any random from around the world. Like we live in a post national state.


Don't be obtuse. We're not deciding whether it would be a benefit to let them into the country if they're already here. For people who want to come we can start with the Charter of Rights.

That's what we have currently so that's what we can use currently.

Edit: also, let's not pretend it can be changed easily. Good luck getting agreement from all the provinces. It's not changing anytime soon.

This. We don't need to debate this for 5 years before starting. The Liberals want to show us they're listening and are trying to be decent to this country?

Everywhere these days I see people pushing the idea that English Canada has no culture, that no real culture has a mosaic, that Canada is so awful. Enough. It's so boring. If someone doesn't get it, it really doesn't matter.

How have 39 people liked this and no one corrected you in 6 hours? Lol

The Detroit Red Wings lost the last 4 games in 1942. Thr Maple Leafs were the first North American team to reverse sweep a series.

EDIT: Oh I was skimming this quickly and didn't notice the guy was from Detroit. Lol. Disregard.

We Canadians cannot advocate for better policies for ourselves and our country (re housing crisis, affordability crisis, health care crisis, mass immigration) if we're distracted and fighting among different groups.

That's the point. They didn't put a cap on the number of immigrants who can come to Canada from India or any country, like they have caps in the US.

That's very handy when they flood the country with massive numbers of immigrants and have the vast majority be from India. It throws off our communities and our social balance when massive amounts of people stream in from a different country very, very suddenly.

Everything around us looks different. The employees at the stores we go to have been replaced. Everywhere we look, we see enormous numbers of people from one country.

The government knew this would be upsetting to have instant huge changes. If they were going to flood the country no matter what, they could have split the immigrants to be from different countries.

But they're happy when resentment grows against Indians. It can help distract us from the fact that they're the ones who chose to flood us and our housing market. They did this. But they'll let us blame the immigrants instead.

Then we can spend time talking or bitching about Indians, racism, assimilation, integration, and mosaic vs melting pot. Then people will say you can't talk about too many Indian immigrants or you're a very bad person. Eventually people say f you and resentment comes shooting out and anger and racism spike.

Instead of advocating strongly for them to end policies that are hurting us and for increased taxation of billionaires and corporations, we get bogged down in all this. That's good for them.

This is such a wild post. Lol. It seems like we have trolls, bots, and people with agendas. Like the guy you responded to is everywhere on this thread arguing for isolation basically.

We're being flooded these days with comments trying to increase resentment and spit on Canadian pride and unity. We can't advocate for ourselves or for good policy if we're all just fighting and feeling split off into groups.

Never said there were no homogeneous lumps. You are very confidently unfamiliar with mosaics which are impossible without integration by definition. (Edit: responding to your comment that you can have a mosaic without integration lol)

You fail to engage with the topic at hand on more than one level and ignore nuance. Any further discussion or greater nuance is not stimulated. Thanks for participating.

This btw is one of the dangers of undiversified immigration. It throws the balance of the mosaic off. Way too many people from one country way too fast makes a lot of homogeneous clumps in the mosaic. When immigrants first come here they do often come together like Little Italy, Little Portugal, Chinatown etc. They become places to visit and eat and the newer generations spread out and get sprinkled all over. Integrating into the mosaic. But when the number is so immense and so fast there isn't enough time or space to integrate enough people into the mosaic and the homogeneous clumps just get bigger and bigger.

The corporations and the billionaires like to label the call for balance racism because they're the ones who benefit from throwing off the balance of the mosaic. The strength of our country relies on the strength of our mosaic. When the wealthy can throw off the balance, exploiting a lot of people from a different country is way easier, and exploiting people in general is way easier. The weaker the country, the stronger the oligarchies, which weakens the country, which strengthens the oligarchies...

A mosaic is integrated. You can't have a mosaic without integration. It's placed together in a beautiful fashion, not just clumps of colour all situated in one area. Don't you live where there's a gazillion different cultures living together? If you don't, then it would probably be hard for you to get it

You have the melting pot idea stuck in your head. It's a mosaic. People can join the mosaic without abandoning all their traditions. It's been done for decades. Most places I've lived have people from many, many different cultures and backgrounds. We showed them this, they showed us that. Etc. Together but not required to be the same.

Edit: working together towards a multicultural, fair society that accepts differences is the pot