
The immunity ruling is kicking in.


OP gets locked into U-505 until he's able to pay.

Either something automated didn't see something it was looking for, or it was a fake job listing.

Both of these possibilities entirely suck, but are commonplace in this shit-tastic clusterfuck of an economy.

Lots of people cruise solo. The problem is that there are only a couple of cruise lines that offer any single cabins; with most lines solo travelers have to pay for the full double-occupancy rate (or sometimes more).

My dog when she looks at me and starts wagging her tail.

Funny...But I'd bet serious money that he didn't get the contract and this client will probably not want to work with him again. I know I wouldn't.

(Also, hilarious that the name of the company in the LinkedIn post was scrubbed, but not from the screencap.)

It's probably also worth pointing out that you can believe in forming a bolshevik party and still think the options available to you aren't worth it.

And in the US at least, this is an entirely fair conclusion to make.

Oh yeah, that's gotta be it. It's everyone else's fault.

Lol, sure. Whatever you want to tell yourself.


This dude is gonna have a lot to say about the "Griffin Museum."

Obviously not. I said activists, you took this to mean leaders of activist groups.

But I get it - you need to have SOME way to explain away the fact that the RCP/RCA/IMT is horribly unpopular in pretty much every sphere it attempts to operate. The revolutionary approach would be to do some introspection about your perspectives, attitudes, and actions. The sectarian approach is to blame others.

Unless you're facing an onslaught of hurricanes worthy of a SyFy Original Picture, they'll just send you to different ports - it's really really unlikely they'd just have you toodle about at sea for a week. Like instead of going to Cococay you might go to Cozumel or something (just to pick two at random).


Take your bike in to a shop, it sounds like your clutch (or, worse, your transmission) is pining for the fjords.

I don’t think we should judge communist parties by their relationship to activist groups

That's not what I said, though, is it?

Not terribly, just be aware that your itinerary may change dramatically and be open to that.

And of course buy travel insurance if you're at all concerned.


You're about to get a bunch of comments advocating that you join the RCP/RCI/IMT, because they pretty much run this sub.

I will only suggest that you don't run out and join, do some research - not just into Party programs, but also how they conduct themselves as revolutionaries, and how they're perceived by activists and unionists. Make sure you're not joining a sect that will waste your time selling newspapers instead of movement-building.


I know, they went full Weekend at Bernie's with Dianne Feinstein.

Relying on the Democrats to do the right thing is an exercise in futility.

Take a deep breath. It happens. We all have interviews that go sideways, feel wrong, or we just fuck up. But you'll get over it, and you'll move on, and you'll ace the next one.